Tools for reporting on adaptation under the Enhanced Transparency Framework
A wide variety of methodologies and tools for technical audiences to enhance capacity in reporting on adaptation under the Enhanced Transparency FrameworkThe most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PPT Adaptation M&E toolbox
- PDF Developing national adaptation monitoring and evaluation systems: A guidebook
- PDF FAO’s Damage and Loss Assessment methodology to monitor the Sendai Framework’s Indicator C2 and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
- PDF Framing and tracking 21st century climate adaptation: Monitoring, evaluation and learning for Paris, the SDGs and beyond
- PDF Monitoring and evaluation of adaptation - an introduction
- Website Monitoring and evaluation training package
- PDF Reporting adaptation through the biennial transparency report: A practical explanation of the guidance
- Website Reporting on adaptation in the agriculture and land use sectors under the Paris Agreement: Loss and damage assessment
- PDF Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of Climate Resilience of Farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
- PDF Strengthening M&E for adaptation planning in the agriculture sector
- Website Strengthening monitoring and evaluation for adaptation in the agriculture sectors
- Website Strengthening monitoring and evaluation for adaptation in the agriculture sectors
- PDF The Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC) Tool and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
- PDF The Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of Adaptation training package and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
- PDF The self-evaluation and holistic assessment of climate resilience of farmers and pastoralists (SHARP) tool and the Enhanced Transparency Framework ...
- PDF Tracking adaptation and measuring development: a step-by-step guide
- PDF Using metrics to assess progress towards the Paris Agreement’s Global Goal on Adaptation
Gender in climate change adaptation
A wide variety of learning materials, guidelines, methodologies and studies on gender in the context of climate change adaptation.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Building Capacities to Develop Gender-Sensitive Climate Change Adaptation Proposals for Funding Consideration in Caribbean Small Island Developing ...
- PDF Climate resilience and disaster risk analysis for gender-sensitive value chains
- PDF Course 1: Addressing gender equality in climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture
- PDF Farmers in a changing climate Does gender matter?
- Video Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism
- Website Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate Change and Agriculture
- PDF Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors: Guide for trainers
- PDF Gender, agrifood value chains and climate-resilient agriculture in Small Island Developing States
- Video International Women Day 2022: Agri-food-systems facing climate change in the MENA region
- PDF Leaving no one behind. The African regional outlook on gender and agrifood systems
- PDF Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within National Adaptation Plans
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in agrifood value chains
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in aquaculture and fisheries
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in climate-smart agriculture
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in the livestock sector
- PDF Tackling climate change through rural women’s empowerment
- PDF Training guide: Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors