Gender dimensions of adopting climate-smart aquaculture


Gender dimensions of adopting climate-smart aquaculture – Miranda Morgan, Research Programme on Aquatic Agriculture Systems, CGIAR. Morgan introduces a study that World Fish conducted focusing on 2 small-holder aquaculture interventions at 4 sites, which are gender-appropriate and climate-smart: Cage aquaculture and Pond polyculture. Morgan outlines climate-change context in Bangladesh at the intervention site. She argues that vulnerability and virtuous often the underlying rationales for gendered interventions. She defines: - ‘vulnerability’ as women being more vulnerable to malnutrition and having constraints (such as mobility); and - ‘virtuous’ as women being responsible for household nutrition and home-gardens, certain interventions are adaptive to women’s constraints. She further argues that local configurations of power affect women’s vulnerability and virtue, and need to be taken into account. Findings showed that there were gender-related factors that affected innovation, dissemination and uptake of these climate-smart innovations. Gender power differentials appeared to be at play in different contexts, within households, within communities, and with actors outside of the community.

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Organización Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Tipo de recurso Estudios de caso
Año de lanzamiento 2014

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