Marcos para la evaluación de la vulnerabilidad ante el cambio climático
Estos recursos proporcionan una comprensión básica de la vulnerabilidad, así como marcos para evaluar la vulnerabilidad ante el cambio climático en diferentes sectores.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita: -
Cambio climático y adaptación comunitaria
Esta colección ofrece una amplia variedad de materiales de aprendizaje destinados a un público especializado que incluyen conceptos, seminarios web y técnicas para la adaptación al cambio climático en el sector agrícola y, en última instancia, en la seguridad alimentaria.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- Website Climate risk adaptation by smallholder farmers: The roles of trees and agroforestry
- Website Community-Based Climate Climate Solutions for Sustainable Development
- PDF Compendium of community and indigenous strategies for climate change adaptation
- Website Gender and Climate Change and Community-Based Adaptation
- PDF Indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and climate change in Latin America – Ten scalable experiences of intercultural collaboration
- PDF La agricultura de montaña es agricultura familiar
- PDF Mountain farming systems – seeds for the future
- Website Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) tool box
- PDF Pequeñas explotaciones, gran impacto: integración sistemática de la adaptación al cambio climático para aumentar la capacidad de resistencia y ...
- PDF Report of the vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Saint Kitts and Nevis
- PDF Report of vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Grenada
- PDF The adaptation advantage: The economic benefits of preparing small-scale farmers for climate change
- PDF Toolkit for the application of Green Negotiated Territorial Development (GreeNTD)
Análisis de la financiación y el valor económico de las medidas de adaptación
Colección de documentos que ayuda al análisis de los aspectos económicos y financieros de las inversiones destinadas a abordar la adaptación al cambio climático.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Investing in natural capital for a sustainable future in the greater Mekong subregion
- PDF A review of domestic data sources for climate finance flows in recipient countries
- Website Adaptation Gap Report 2020
- Website Adaptation Gap Report 2021
- Website Adaptation Gap Report 2022
- PDF Economics of adaptation toolkit
- PDF Financing National Adaptation Plan processes: Contributing to the achievement of nationally determined contribution adaptation goals
- PDF Global outlook on climate services in agriculture
- PDF Guidebook for direct access entities engaging in the Green Climate Fund accreditation process
- PDF Public expenditure analysis for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector – A case study of Uganda
- PDF The economic advantage: Assessing the value of climate change actions in agriculture
- PDF Toolkit for value chain analysis and market development integrating climate resilience and gender responsiveness
La comprensión de los efectos del cambio climático en los sistemas alimentarios
En esta colección se proporciona una comprensión básica sobre cómo el cambio climático afecta a la seguridad alimentaria y se destaca la necesidad de crear sistemas alimentarios sólidos para superar los desafíos futuros.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Climate change and food systems: Global assessments and implications for food security and trade
- PDF Actions to transform food systems under climate change
- Website Beyond urban: city-region food systems for resilient and sustainable development
- Website Climate and nutrition considerations in urban food systems
- PDF Climate change impacts and adaptation options in the agrifood system
- PDF Climate change impacts on crops in Sri Lanka
- Video Climate change, biodiversity and nutrition nexus
- PDF Climate change, biodiversity and nutrition nexus: Evidence and emerging policy and programming opportunities
- Website Cultivating Inner Capacities for Regenerative Food Systems
- PDF Enhancing Sustainability and Resilience to Effects of Climate Change in City Region Food Systems
- Website Food Systems, Nutrition and Climate Change
- PDF How to feed the world in times of pandemics and climate change? Opportunities for innovation in livestock systems
- PDF Indigenous Peoples’ food systems. Insights on sustainability and resilience from the front line of climate change
- PDF Intégration d’approches agroécologiques pour accroitre la résilience face au changement climatique et améliorer les systèmes alimentaires durables ...
- PDF Le nexus eau-énergie-alimentation-écosystèmes (WEFE) pour accroître la résilience des systèmes alimentaires face aux effets en cascade des ...
- Website Making better policies for food systems
- PDF Managing climate change risks in food systems
- PDF Online exchange forum. Building climate-resilient food systems based on the ten agroecology elements
- Website Repurposing Agricultural Policies and Support : Options to Transform Agriculture and Food Systems to Better Serve the Health of People, Economies, ...
- PDF Science, practice, and policy expert dialogue on food systems and resilience: Key priorities for aligning global ecosystem restoration, ...
- PDF Small-scale producers in sustainable agrifood systems transformation
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in agrifood value chains
- PDF Sustainable and circular bioeconomy in the climate agenda: Opportunities to transform agrifood systems
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture 2016: Climate change, agriculture and food security
Experiencias de los países que abordan la agricultura en los planes nacionale...
Esta colección incluye una amplia variedad de experiencias de los países en relación con planes nacionales de adaptación en el sector agrícola.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Burkina Faso: National climate change adaptation plan
- Website Assessing institutional barriers to National Adaptation Plan (NAP) implementation in Kenya’s agricultural sector
- PDF Brazil: National Adaptation Plan to climate change
- PDF Colombia: advancing monitoring and evaluation of adaptation in the agriculture sector
- PDF Conservation agriculture for climate change adaptation in Zambia: A cost-benefit analysis
- PDF Enhancing knowledge on climate change mitigation and adaptation for food security and nutrition
- Website From the bottom up: Key lessons learned from Senegal’s national adaptation plan
- PDF Integrating agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-AG) programme: Case study – Thailand
- PDF Integrating agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-AG) programme: Case study – Uganda
- PDF Integrating agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag) Programme: Case study – The Philippines
- PDF Integrating agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP–Ag) Programme: Case study – Kenya
- PDF Estudio de caso Uruguay – Integración de la Agricultura en los Planes Nacionales de Adaptación
- PDF Integrating agriculture in National Adaptation Plans Programme: Highlights report 2015–2018
- PDF Kenya: National Adaptation Plan (2015–2030)
- PDF National Adaptation Plan for climate change impacts in Sri Lanka (2016–2025)
- PDF National Adaptation Plan: Priorities for Agriculture and Food Security in Tunisia
- Website National adaptation planning: Lessons from OECD countries
- PDF Plan national d'adaptation du Sénégal - État des lieux du processus
- PDF Plan national d'adaptation du Sénégal pour le secteur de l’agriculture - État des lieux du processus
- PDF Progress in developing a national monitoring and evaluation system for adaptation in the agriculture sector: a multi-country case study
- PDF Public expenditure analysis for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agriculture sector: a case study of Kenya
- PDF Saint Lucia’s Sectoral Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan for the Agriculture Sector (Agriculture SASAP) 2018–2028
- PDF État des lieux pour le processus d’élaboration du Plan national d’adaptation pour le secteur de l’agriculture au Sénégal
Educational Badge
Developed in collaboration with United Nations agencies, civil society and other organizations, YUNGA Challenge Badges aim to raise your awareness, educate and motivate you to change your behaviour and become an active agent of change in your local community. The series can be used by teachers in school classes as well as by youth leaders, especially Guide or Scout groups. Challenge Badge...Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita: -
Creación de capacidad para los planes nacionales de adaptación
Esta colección incluye una serie de materiales de formación para ampliar los conocimientos y la capacidad técnica en relación con los planes nacionales de adaptación.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita: -
Integración de la agricultura en los planes nacionales de adaptación
Colección que incluye una gran variedad de estudios, instrumentos y casos prácticos para explicar y facilitar la integración de la agricultura en los planes nacionales de adaptación.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Integrating agriculture in National Adaptation Plans: Safeguarding livelihoods and promoting resilience through NAPs
- PDF Tool for integrating ecosystems into climate change adaptation planning: Linking biodiversity and ecosystems into the National Adaptation Planning ...
- PDF Abordar la agricultura, la silvicultura y la pesca en los Planes nacionales de adaptación
- PDF Addressing sustainable crop production priorities in National Adaptation Plans
- PDF Assessing agroforestry practices and soil and water conservation for climate change adaptation in Kenya: A cost-benefit analysis
- Website Integrating climate change adaptation into national agricultural strategy for smallholder agriculture. The case of Tadla-Azilal region, Morocco
- PDF Promoting synergies in addressing biodiversity and climate change adaptation issues: linking National Adaptation Plans and national biodiversity ...
- PDF Review of key national and regional policies and incentives to support adaptation and adaptive capacity in the agricultural sector
Políticas que abordan el cambio climático en el sector de la pesca y la acuic...
Ejemplos y prácticas sobre cómo abordar los problemas del cambio climático en el sector de la pesca y la acuicultura.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Social protection and sustainable natural resource management: Initial findings and good practices from small-scale fisheries
- PDF Assessment of the integration of fisheries and aquaculture in policy development framework and application in Africa
- PDF Climate change adaptation in fisheries and aquaculture: Compilation of initial examples
- PDF Climate change implications for fisheries of the Benguela Current Region. Making the best of change
- PDF Creación de capacidad de adaptación al cambio climático
- PDF Lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones de política pública para la adaptación al cambio climático en la pesca artesanal y la acuicultura de ...
- PDF Protocol on climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in fisheries and aquaculture in the Caribbean
- PDF Report of the workshop on development of aquaculture insurance system for small-scale farmers
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in aquaculture and fisheries
Évaluation de la résilience climatique des communautés vulnérables
Instrumentos, estudios y metodologías para evaluar la vulnerabilidad ante el cambio climático que pueden ayudar a los especialistas a incorporar la planificación de la adaptación en diferentes sectores. También permiten a los agricultores y pastores realizar autoevaluaciones y expresar sus preocupaciones e intereses con respecto al cambio climático.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Vulnerability sourcebook: Risk supplement
- PDF Atlas of agricultural livelihoods and climate risk of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2019–2020
- PDF CLIMAFRICA: Climate change predictions in sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts and adaptations
- Website Compendium on methods and tools to evaluate impacts of and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
- PDF Delivery of climate services to last mile users: challenges and opportunities for scaling
- Website Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management
- PDF Migration, agriculture and climate change: Reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing resilience
- PDF Regional workshop on assessing climate change vulnerability in fisheries and aquaculture
- PDF Report of the vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Saint Kitts and Nevis
- PDF Report of vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Grenada
- PDF Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of Climate Resilience of Farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
- Website Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
- PDF Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to improve adaptation to climate change and food security in the Lao ...
- PDF Terminal evaluation of the project "Mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches to climate-resilient rural livelihoods in vulnerable rural areas ...
- PDF The relations between climate change and child labour in agriculture
- PDF The unjust climate
- PDF Toolkit for Increasing Climate Change Resilience
- PDF Vulnerability assessment methodologies: An annotated bibliography for climate change and the fisheries and aquaculture sector