Aplicación del enfoque climáticamente inteligente
Estudios en los que se describe la aplicación del enfoque climáticamente inteligente en los sistemas de gestión de los recursos naturales y la agricultura.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF "Energy-Smart" food for people and climate
- PDF Climate-smart forestry
- Website Climate-smart forestry
- Website Climate-smart livestock production
- Website Climate-smart soil and land management
- PDF Compendium on climate-smart irrigation: Concepts, evidence and options for a climate-smart approach to improving the performance of irrigated ...
- PDF Measuring climate co-benefits of livestock development in Cameroon
- PDF Solar-powered irrigation systems: A clean-energy, low-emission option for irrigation development and modernization
- PDF Supplemental irrigation: A promising climate-smart practice for dryland agriculture
- PDF Supporting agricultural extension towards climate-smart agriculture: An overview of existing tools
Metodologías y directrices sobre las contribuciones determinadas a nivel naci...
Metodologías y directrices para evaluar la adaptación al cambio climático y la mitigación de sus efectos en el sector agrícola e integrarlas en las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF A common framework for agriculture and land use in the nationally determined contributions
- PDF Assessing policy gaps and opportunities in nationally determined contributions
- PDF Assessing the role of agriculture and land use in nationally determined contributions
- PDF COP28 agriculture, food and climate national action and toolkit
- PDF Linking nationally determined contributions and the sustainable development goals through agriculture
- Website NDC Enhancement: Opportunities in Agriculture
- PDF Priorities related to food value chains and the agri-food sector in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
- PDF Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals: An Introductory Guide for Practitioners
- PDF Technical guidance for the Nationally Determined Contribution Expert Tool (NEXT)
- PDF Technical guide for the Adaptation, Biodiversity and Carbon Mapping Tool
- Website The Nationally Determined Contribution Expert Tool (NEXT)
- Website The Nationally Determined Contributions Tracking Tool
- PDF The Nationally Determined Contributions Tracking Tool user manual
Creación de capacidad para la agricultura climáticamente inteligente
Esta colección comprende una amplia variedad de materiales de capacitación, seminarios web e informes sobre agricultura climáticamente inteligente.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Climate Action for Agriculture: Strengthening the role of scientific foresight and climate-smart agriculture in addressing NDC priorities
- Website Climate change adaptation and mitigation in fisheries and aquaculture
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture training manual: a reference manual for agricultural extension agents
- Website Climate-smart agriculture, loss of biodiversity, and the uncertainties associated with climate change
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture: A call for action. Workshop proceedings
- Website Climate-smart crop production
- Website Climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture
- Website Climate-smart forestry
- PDF Guide pour un cursus en agriculture intelligente face au climat (AIC) dans les programmes d’enseignement en Afrique de l’ouest francophone
- Video Understanding Climate-Smart Agriculture
- Website Water management for climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinar: climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on advisory services for climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on index-based insurance for risk management in climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on irrigation in climate-smart agriculture
La función de los bosques en la lucha contra el cambio climático
Esta colección contiene una amplia variedad de materiales sobre cómo los bosques pueden desempeñar un papel importante en la lucha contra el cambio climático.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF The economics of climate change mitigation options in the forest sector
- PDF Building climate-resilient dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral production systems
- PDF Capacity Building on National Forest Information Analysis and Reporting for Enhancing Credibility of National Climate Change and REDD+ Implementation
- PDF Community guidelines for accessing forestry voluntary carbon markets
- PDF Forest and farm producers – climate-change sentinels
- PDF Forests and climate change
- PDF Forests and climate change
- PDF Forests and climate change
- PDF Forests, rangelands and climate change in southern Africa
- PDF Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands
- PDF The key role of forest and landscape restoration in climate action
- PDF The national forest monitoring system as part of the National Strategy on Climate Change and Vegetation Resources in Chile: Applying ...
- PDF Transformational change to reduce deforestation and climate change impacts
- Website UN-REDD Programme
Incorporación de la perspectiva de género en los planes nacionales de adaptación
Materiales para mejorar la igualdad de género en el contexto de la adaptación a los efectos del cambio climático en la agricultura y los planes nacionales de adaptación conexos.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- Video Addressing gender and climate change adaptation in Viet Nam’s agriculture sectors
- PDF Best practices and available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, and application of ...
- Website Gender adaptation and disaster risk reduction – Policy brief
- PDF Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate
- Website Gender and adaptation planning in the agricultural sectors: The case of Uganda
- PDF Investigación del género y cambio climático en la agricultura y la seguridad alimentaria para el desarrollo
- PDF Gender mainstreaming and climate resilience in Zambia's cashew sector: Insights for adaptation planners
- PDF Making the case for gender-responsive adaptation planning in Uruguay: The importance of sex-disaggregated data
- PDF Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within national adaptation plans
Temas transversales relacionados con la alimentación y la agricultura
Esta colección comprende una amplia variedad de materiales de aprendizaje y estudios especializados, que incluyen conceptos, prácticas y técnicas para la seguridad alimentaria, sistemas y producción en el contexto del cambio climático en la alimentación y la agricultura.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF "Energy-Smart" food for people and climate
- PDF Actions to transform food systems under climate change
- PDF Africa: regional overview of food security and nutrition
- Website Agriculture, food security and climate change: Outlook for knowledge, tools and action
- PDF Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability. A call for action
- PDF Climate change and food security and nutrition Latin America and the Caribbean (policy guidelines)
- PDF Climate change: Unpacking the burden on food safety
- PDF Enhancing knowledge on climate change mitigation and adaptation for food security and nutrition
- PDF Ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for all through transformation of food systems
- PDF Food systems transformation: Developing sustainable, eco-friendly, climate-smart food production along value chains in Africa
- PDF Marco de acción en materia de biodiversidad para la alimentación y la agricultura
- PDF Info Note 2. The State of Food and Agriculture 2016; Climate change, agriculture and food security improved farming practices reduce impacts of ...
- PDF Measuring progress towards sustainable agriculture
- PDF Panorama of food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean
- PDF Priorities related to food value chains and the agri-food sector in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
- PDF Las legumbres y el cambio climático. Edición revisada
- PDF Report on the high-level regional dialogue on the mainstreaming of biodiversity in the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors
- PDF The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017: Building Resilience for Peace and Food Security
- PDF The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World – 2018
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2016 : Climate change, agriculture and food security
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture 2016 Info Note 1: Climate change, agriculture and food security climate change: what does it mean for ...
- PDF The future of food and agriculture – Trends and challenges
- PDF The state of food and agriculture: Adaptation
El género en la adaptación al cambio climático
Esta colección ofrece una amplia variedad de materiales de aprendizaje, directrices, metodologías y estudios sobre el género en el contexto de la adaptación al cambio climático.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Building Capacities to Develop Gender-Sensitive Climate Change Adaptation Proposals for Funding Consideration in Caribbean Small Island Developing ...
- PDF Climate resilience and disaster risk analysis for gender-sensitive value chains
- PDF Course 1: Addressing gender equality in climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture
- PDF Farmers in a changing climate Does gender matter?
- Video Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism
- Website Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate Change and Agriculture
- PDF Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors: Guide for trainers
- PDF Gender, agrifood value chains and climate-resilient agriculture in Small Island Developing States
- Video Análisis de resiliencia climática y de riesgo de desastres para cadenas de valor sensibles al género
- PDF Leaving no one behind. The African regional outlook on gender and agrifood systems
- PDF Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within National Adaptation Plans
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in agrifood value chains
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in aquaculture and fisheries
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in climate-smart agriculture
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in the livestock sector
- PDF Tackling climate change through rural women’s empowerment
- PDF Training guide: Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors
Estrategias de protección social y el cambio climático
Recursos sobre cómo las estrategias de protección social inclusivas pueden salvaguardar los medios de vida de las personas pobres y vulnerables y aumentar su resiliencia ante el cambio climático.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Extending social protection to rural populations: Perspectives for a common FAO and ILO approach – Executive summary
- Website Gender-Responsive budgeting for agriculture and climate policies
- Website Gestión de los riesgos climáticos a través de la protección social
- Website Mainstreaming gender, youth, and social inclusion
- PDF Managing climate risks through social protection
- PDF Marco de gestión ambiental y social
- PDF Scoping review on the role of social protection in facilitating climate change adaptation and mitigation for economic inclusion among rural ...
- Website Social Protection, a Key Solution for Directing Climate Finance To Poor Small-Scale Farmers
- Website Social protection and anticipatory action to protect agricultural livelihoods
- PDF Social protection and climate change
- Website Social protection and resilience: Supporting livelihoods in protracted crises and in fragile and humanitarian contexts
- Website Social protection, emergency response, resilience and climate change. A new interactive tool
- PDF Strengthening Climate Resilience through People Centered Approaches: Farmer Field Schools and Dimitra Clubs in Senegal
- PDF The relations between climate change and child labour in agriculture
Análisis de la financiación y el valor económico de las medidas de adaptación
Colección de documentos que ayuda al análisis de los aspectos económicos y financieros de las inversiones destinadas a abordar la adaptación al cambio climático.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF A review of domestic data sources for climate finance flows in recipient countries
- Website Adaptation Gap Report 2020
- Website Adaptation Gap Report 2021
- Website Adaptation Gap Report 2022
- PDF Economics of adaptation toolkit
- PDF Financing National Adaptation Plan processes: Contributing to the achievement of nationally determined contribution adaptation goals
- PDF Global outlook on climate services in agriculture
- PDF Guidebook for direct access entities engaging in the Green Climate Fund accreditation process
- PDF Investing in natural capital for a sustainable future in the greater Mekong subregion
- PDF Public expenditure analysis for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector – A case study of Uganda
- PDF The economic advantage: Assessing the value of climate change actions in agriculture
- PDF Toolkit for value chain analysis and market development integrating climate resilience and gender responsiveness
Fomento de la capacidad de adaptación al cambio climático
Cursos de aprendizaje electrónico, seminarios web e informes para fomentar la capacidad de adaptación al cambio climático.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Adapting to climate variability and change
- Website Agroforestería y agricultura de conservación
- PDF Bringing climate change adaptation into farmer field schools
- PDF Report of the Regional Training Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Planning
- Website Scaling up of adaptation in the agricultural sectors (SAAS) webinar series
- PDF Soluciones agroambientales para la agenda de desarrollo en países del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). Experiencias de los países ...
- PDF State of the global climate 2020
- PDF The 5Q approach
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2016 : Climate change, agriculture and food security
- PDF Youth in motion for climate action! A compilation of youth initiatives in agriculture to address the impacts of climate change