Learning materials on food and agriculture
Comment le commerce et les politiques commerciales peuvent-ils contribuer à l' élaboration de stratégies d'adaptation face au changement climatique ?PDF
Cette note d'orientation fournit des informations sur la relation entre le changement climatique et le commerce, le rôle que le commerce peut jouer en tant qu'outil d'adaptation au changement climatique, et les politiques commerciales qui peuvent être utilisées pour renforcer le rôle adaptatif du...
Prediction of seasonal climate-induced variations in global food productionSite Web
This article presents a global assessment of the reliability of crop failure hindcasts for major crops (wheat, rice, soybean, maize). The use of seasonal climatic forecasts to predict crop failures will be useful for monitoring global food production and will encourage the adaptation of food...
Climate change and Pacific Island food systemsSite Web
This booklet proposes four alternative scenarios of the future of the Pacific food systems (including fisheries and forests, trade, affordability and consumption, and public health). It includes essential information for policymakers, to develop policies that enhance resilience and strengthen...
Systematic review: Approach to identifying key trends in adaptation governance at the supranational level.PDF
This paper analyses peer-reviewed literature on adaptation governance focused on food security at the supranational level.
Reducing risks to food security from climate changeSite Web
This publication highlights the challenges to shift from climate impact studies focusing on crop yields towards a more action-oriented research agenda: the challenge of changing the culture of research; that of deriving stakeholder-driven portfolios of options for farmers, communities and...
Climate change impacts and adaptation options in the agrifood systemPDF
This paper summarizes the findings of the Working Group II contributions to the International Panel on Climate Change’s Sixth Assessment Report which runs into over 3 000 pages, focusing on the assessment’s conclusions and their effect on agrifood systems. The Assessment Reports of the...
Report of the Working Group on Climate Change of the FAO Intergovernmental Group on TeaPDF
This document highlights disturbing trends of declining yields and productivity due to climate-driven stresses (biotic and abiotic) in recent years in tea growing countries. It will be useful for developing mitigation and adaptation strategies. It focuses tea growing areas on India, China, Sri...
Adaptation au changement climatique: qu’en est-il des filières de l’ananas et de l’avocat?PDF
Il s'agissait du septième d'une série de webinaires techniques organisés par le projet Fruits responsables de la FAO en réponse aux priorités et aux intérêts des participants du secteur privé. Les webinaires offriront une opportunité d'apprentissage par les pairs sur les questions...
Analyses/notes stratégiques
Etudes et rapports
Info additionnelle
Genre d'activité | Compréhension des concepts de base |
Focus géographique | Monde |
Collection mise à jour | August 2024 |