Youth-led climate action
Initiative jeunesse de lutte contre les changements climatiques, soutenue par le gouvernement du Québec (2016-2020)Site Web
L’Initiative jeunesse de lutte contre les changements climatiques a été lancée en novembre 2016, lors de la 22e Conférence des Parties (CdP-22) à la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC). Elle fait suite à l’annonce du financement des mesures de coopération...
Youth in motion for climate action!PDF
This publication highlights various access points for projects and initiatives that engage and mobilize young people. It focuses on climate-resilient capacity development, agricultural education, and entrepreneurial guidance to promote decent rural employment in agriculture, and platforms that...
Principles and Barriers for Meaningful Youth ParticipationPDF
This publication presents the set of principles is derived from the consultation processes of the UN MGCY and builds on its work around related efforts throughout the UN system. The UN MGCY sees them as intrinsic to any form of meaningful youth engagement with the UN.
Youth-sensitive value chain analysis and developmentPDF
This publication is intended to assist field practitioners, youth organizations and other stakeholders to identify binding constraints and viable opportunities for youth engagement in value chains that can translate into greater youth inclusion. Considering youth heterogeneity and inequalities,...
FAO and YouthSite Web
FAO incorporates and emphasizes youth in its international efforts to increased food security and promote environmental sustainability. This web page provides information about FAO specific activities targeted at youth priority area.
Etudes et rapports
Méthodes et directives
Sites web/plateformes/portails
Info additionnelle
Genre d'activité | Élaboration et analyse des politiques |
Focus géographique | Monde |
Collection mise à jour | September 2024 |