Mesure et suivi du carbone organique du sol dans le contexte du changement cl...
Éventail d’outils et de méthodes pour mesurer et surveiller la santé du sol et les niveaux de carbone organique du sol.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras: -
Catalyzing climate action
These materials and frameworks aim at catalyzing climate action at the individual, community and policy levels.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras: -
Documents officiels de la CCNUCC sur le cadre de transparence renforcé
Cette collection fournit des liens vers des documents officiels de la Convention-cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (CCNUCC), des décisions et des ressources sur le cadre de transparence renforcé.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework for action and support referred to in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement
- Website Moving Towards the Enhanced Transparency Framework: Frequently asked questions and answers
- PDF Reference manual for the Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement
Comprendre le cadre de transparence renforcé
Grande variété de documents facilitant la compréhension des exigences du cadre de transparence renforcé de l’Accord de Paris.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Addendum to the Technical handbook for developing country Parties on preparing for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework under the ...
- PDF Can developing countries meet the reporting requirements under the Paris Agreement?: insights from biennial update report (BUR) analysis
- PDF Empowering youth to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement
- Video Establishing sustainable institutional arrangements
- PDF Flexibility and capacity building towards enhanced transparency under the Paris Agreement
- PDF Handbook on institutional arrangements to support MRV/transparency of climate action and support
- PDF Implementing the Paris Agreement: LDC gaps and needs in greenhouse gas inventory reporting
- PDF Meeting the enhanced transparency framework: what next for the LDCs?
- PDF Prochaines étapes pour la mise en oeuvre de l’Accord de Paris et du « paquet climat de Katowice »
- PDF Preparing for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement
- Video The Enhanced Transparency Framework and the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines
- PDF Understanding the Transparency Guidance
- Video Understanding the institutional arrangements for climate transparency reporting
Platforms supporting mitigation action and strategy
Bringing together the world’s best agricultural greenhouse gas emissions research and mitigation technologies and practices.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras: -
Politiques et mesures visant à favoriser le stockage du carbone dans le sol
Série de ressources liées aux politiques concernant le stockage du carbone dans le sol.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras: -
Gestion de la question de la transparence dans les secteurs de l’agriculture ...
Réseau spécialisé et série de séminaires en ligne destinés à des publics techniques et visant à développer les capacités des pays en ce qui concerne les modalités, les procédures et les lignes directrices du cadre de transparence renforcé, en mettant l’accent sur les secteurs de l’agriculture et de l’utilisation des terres.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Addressing transparency in agriculture and land use sectors
- Website Addressing transparency in agriculture and land use sectors
- PDF Addressing transparency in the agriculture and land use sectors
- Website Are you ready to make your GHG inventory transparent?
- PDF Are you ready to make your GHGI transparent?
- Website FAO and the Enhanced Transparency Framework - webinar series
- PDF Quality Assurance (QA) of the National GHG Inventory Management System and National GHG Inventories
- Website Quality Assurance (QA) of the National GHG Inventory Management System and National GHG Inventories
- PDF Quality assurance (QA)/ Quality control (QC) within the greenhouse gas inventory cycle and the need for an improvement plan
- PDF Reporting on adaptation in the AFOLU sector under the Paris Agreement: Climate vulnerability assessment
- PDF Reporting on adaptation in the agriculture and land use sectors under the Paris Agreement: Adaptation metrics and the potential use of SDG ...
- PDF Reporting on adaptation in the agriculture and land use sectors under the Paris Agreement: Loss and damage assessment
- Website Reporting on adaptation: Adaptation metrics and the potential use of SDG indicators
- Website Reporting on adaptation: Local climate vulnerability assessments
- Website Reporting on adaptation: Loss and damage assessment
- PDF The role of institutional arrangements in the Enhanced Transparency Framework
- PDF The role of institutional arrangements in the Enhanced Transparency Framework
- Website The role of institutional arrangements in the Enhanced Transparency Framework
- Website Tracking progress made in implementing and achieving Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under Article 4 of the Paris Agreement