Country experiences with climate-smart agriculture
Climate-smart agriculture country experiences: a variety of cross-cutting activities and practices.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Assessing the profitability and feasibility of climate-smart agriculture investment in Southern Malawi: Understanding the costs and benefits in a ...
- PDF Barriers, incentives and benefits in the adoption of climate-smart agriculture. Lessons from the MICCA pilot project in Kenya
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture case studies 2021 – Projects from around the world
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture guidelines for the United Republic of Tanzania
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture in China
- Website Climate-smart agriculture in action
- Website Climate-smart agriculture success stories: From farming communities around the world
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture. Case studies 2018. Successful approaches from different regions
- PDF Climate-smart livestock production
- Website Climate-smart soil, water and nutrient management options in semiarid West Africa: a review of evidence and analysis of stone bunds and zaï techniques
- PDF Eastern Africa Climate-Smart Agriculture Scoping Study: Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
- PDF Eastern Africa climate-smart agriculture scoping study: Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
- PDF Enabling farmers to face climate change: Second cycle of the benefit-sharing fund projects
- PDF Ethiopia climate-smart agriculture scoping study
- Website Integrated monitoring framework for climate-smart agriculture: Hoima climate-smart villages, Uganda
- Website Kenya country experience in reducing the GHG balance of the livestock production systems
- PDF Kenya's Tea Sector under Climate Change
- PDF Maasai communities in Kenya adapting to climate change by adopting smart-agriculture practices
- PDF Overview of the scientific, political and financial landscape of climate-smart agriculture in West Africa
- PDF Planning, implementing and evaluating climate-smart sgriculture in smallholder farming systems. The experience of the MICCA pilot projects in ...
- PDF Quesungual & Kuxur Rum: Ancestral agroforestry systems in the Dry Corridor of Central America
- PDF Sustainable production intensification and value chain development in Africa
- Website The Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) for rapid characterisation of households to inform climate smart agriculture interventions: ...
- PDF Towards climate-smart agriculture in Egypt
- PDF Transforming agriculture in Africa’s Small Island Developing States
Learning from experiences on disaster risk reduction and management
A range of studies and analyses presenting work and strategies for disaster risk management for the agriculture sector and food and nutrition security.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Building resilience to climate change-related and other disasters in Ethiopia
- PDF Characterization of agricultural drought-prone areas on a global scale
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Albania
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Montenegro
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Serbia
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction and management system for the agriculture sector – North Macedonia
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Armenia
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Belarus
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Georgia
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Kazakhstan
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Kyrgyzstan
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Tajikistan
- Website Controlling floods and droughts through underground storage: from concept to pilot implementation in the Ganges River Basin.
- PDF Disaster Risk Reduction and agriculture sector interrelated planning processes: Lessons learnt
- PDF Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific. An institutional and policy analysis
- PDF Disaster risk reduction: Strengthening livelihood resilience
- PDF Enhancing Farmers Information System for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) in Agriculture and Fisheries
- PDF Regional strategy for disaster risk management in the agriculture sector and food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean (2018 ...
- PDF Metodología para el monitoreo y evaluación de buenas prácticas en agricultura para la adaptación al cambio climático y la gestión integral del ...
- PDF Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture 2014–2018, Cambodia
- PDF Supporting water and soil rehabilitation for improved climate resilience in the Islamic Republic of Iran. To enhance the resilience of rural ...
Country experiences on nationally appropriate mitigation actions
Country experiences on developing and implementing nationally appropriate mitigation actions: the set of policies and actions that countries undertake as part of their commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website A survey of GHG mitigation policies for the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector
- Website How does the Dairy Modernization and Market Access (DiMMA) programme in Georgia contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and food security?
- PDF Improving efficiency of small ruminants productions for reduction of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity
Enhancing the implementation of community-based adaptation to climate change
A range of case studies, frameworks, and methodologies for implementing best practices for community-based adaptation to climate changeThe most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Can food aid relax farmers’ constraints to adopting climate-adaptive agricultural practices?
- PDF Caribbean Strategy for Climate-Resilient Forests and Rural Livelihoods
- PDF Climate change impact on crop production in Sri Lanka
- Website Community-based adaptation exchange (CBA-X)
- Website Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in action: The case of forestry
- PDF Final evaluation of the project "Strengthening resilience to climate change through integrated agricultural and pastoral management in the ...
- PDF Framework of milestones and indicators for community-based adaptation
- Website Participatory survey methods for gathering information
Country experiences in implementing nationally determined contributions
This collection aims to document and capture lessons learned from country experiences implementing their nationally determined contributions.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Asistencia técnica para la preparación de las NDC e instrumentos de reporte conexos en los compromisos del Ecuador con la Convención Marco de ...
- Website Assessment of Jamaica’s Climate Change Mitigation Potential and Implications for its Updated NDC : Sectoral Review
- PDF Consultation on national climate actions in livestock systems to support the Nationally Determined Contributions in Rwanda
- PDF Enhancing Countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions for Emissions Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation
- PDF Enhancing transparency in the agriculture, forestry and other land use sector for tracking nationally determined contribution implementation in ...
- PDF From ambition to action: good practices in implementing agricultural components of the Nationally Determined Contributions
- PDF Supporting AUC and Countries in the Formulation and Tracking the Progress of NDC Implementation Plans in Africa
- PDF Tackling climate change while achieving sustainable development goals: arganiculture in Morocco
Examining different aspects, initiatives and policies on implementing nationa...
An overview of new proposals in different fields for nationally determined contributions.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Analysis and systematization on intended nationally determined contributions (INDC) in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries
- Website Biodiversity and agrifood systems in nationally determined contributions
- PDF Embedding Agroecology Elements in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
- PDF Energy in and from agriculture in the African Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). A review
- Website Guide to including nature in nationally determined contribution
- PDF Implementing the Paris Agreement: LDC gaps and needs in greenhouse gas inventory reporting
- PDF Linking REDD+, the Paris Agreement, national determined contributions and suitable development goals: realizing the potential of forests for ndc ...
- PDF Localising NDCs with inspiration from the 2030 Agenda
- PDF Meeting the climate change mitigation commitments of least developed countries: The role of the agricultural sectors and the need for urgent action
- Website Nature-based Solutions Finance for NDCs
- PDF Panorama de las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional en America Latina y el Caribe, 2019: avances para el cumplimento del Acuerdo de Paris
- PDF Policy analysis of nationally determined contributions in Europe and Central Asia
- PDF The State of Nationally Determined Contributions: 2022
- PDF Working with Nature-based Solutions to address climate change
Country experiences on increasing transparency in the forestry sector
This collection entails a list of case studies around the world on forestry sector offering a variety of approaches to reduce the emissions.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website Case study Bangladesh: An integrated national forest monitoring system for sustainable forest management and conservation in Bangladesh
- Website Case study Costa Rica: Costa Rica’s progress in developing a national land use, land cover and ecosystems monitoring system
- Website Case study Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Democratic Republic of the Congo establishes a national forest monitoring system to promote ...
- Website Case study Ghana: Establishing a multi-purpose national forest monitoring system to improve land use monitoring capacities in Ghana
- Website Case study Papua New Guinea: National forest monitoring system provides better data, and enhances capacity in Papua New Guinea
- Website What is the forest area of Lao People's Democratic Republic?
Tools for Sustainable Forest Management
Tools and resources on sustainable forest management to assist forest managers in assessing and responding to climate-change challenges and opportunities.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: