Policymaking for climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector
This collection contains valuable resources to support climate change policymaking in the food security, agriculture and gender sectors.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Cost-benefit analysis for climate change adaptation policies and investments in the agriculture sectors
- PDF Guía de análisis costo-beneficio Aplicación para medidas de adaptación al cambio climático en el sector agropecuario en Uruguay
- PDF Institutional capacity assessment approach for national adaptation planning in the agriculture sectors
Official UNFCCC documents on the Enhanced Transparency Framework
This collection provides links to official United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) documents, decisions and resources on the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: -
Multi-partner initiatives related to the Enhanced Transparency Framework
Bringing together websites and platforms with useful resources to address the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: -
The impact of investments in the agriculture sector on climate change
These materials examine the impact of agricultural investments on climate changeThe most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website Co-designing the assessment of climate change costs (COACCH)
- PDF Accelerating investment towards carbon-neutral agrifood systems
- PDF Adoption of climate technologies in the agrifood system: investment opportunities in Kazakhstan
- PDF Adoption of climate technologies in the agrifood system: investment opportunities in the Kyrgyz Republic
- PDF Agriculture-related activities in the Green Climate Fund portfolio
- Website Climate-related development finance to agrifood systems
- Website Climate-related development finance to agrifood systems, 2024 update
- PDF Feeding people, protecting the planet
- Website Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
- PDF How to invest in farmers?
- PDF Incorporating climate change considerations into agricultural investment programmes. A guidance document.
- PDF Investing in agricultural water management
- Website Making climate finance work for agrifood systems in Asia and the Pacific
- PDF Manual for climate investments of the private sector
- PDF Private sector mapping, outreach, and engagement in climate-responsive agrifood systems
- Website Promoting inclusive green finance in agriculture
- PDF The shortest path. Accelerating investment towards carbon-neutral agrifood systems
Nature-based solutions in a changing climate
A range of materials on different components of the environment in changing ecosystems.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: -
Country experiences with climate-smart agriculture
Climate-smart agriculture country experiences: a variety of cross-cutting activities and practices.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Assessing the profitability and feasibility of climate-smart agriculture investment in Southern Malawi: Understanding the costs and benefits in a ...
- PDF Barriers, incentives and benefits in the adoption of climate-smart agriculture. Lessons from the MICCA pilot project in Kenya
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture case studies 2021 – Projects from around the world
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture guidelines for the United Republic of Tanzania
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture in China
- Website Climate-smart agriculture in action
- Website Climate-smart agriculture success stories: From farming communities around the world
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture. Case studies 2018. Successful approaches from different regions
- PDF Climate-smart livestock production
- Website Climate-smart soil, water and nutrient management options in semiarid West Africa: a review of evidence and analysis of stone bunds and zaï techniques
- PDF Eastern Africa Climate-Smart Agriculture Scoping Study: Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
- PDF Eastern Africa climate-smart agriculture scoping study: Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
- PDF Enabling farmers to face climate change: Second cycle of the benefit-sharing fund projects
- PDF Ethiopia climate-smart agriculture scoping study
- Website Integrated monitoring framework for climate-smart agriculture: Hoima climate-smart villages, Uganda
- Website Kenya country experience in reducing the GHG balance of the livestock production systems
- PDF Kenya's Tea Sector under Climate Change
- PDF Maasai communities in Kenya adapting to climate change by adopting smart-agriculture practices
- PDF Overview of the scientific, political and financial landscape of climate-smart agriculture in West Africa
- PDF Planning, implementing and evaluating climate-smart sgriculture in smallholder farming systems. The experience of the MICCA pilot projects in ...
- PDF Quesungual & Kuxur Rum: Ancestral agroforestry systems in the Dry Corridor of Central America
- PDF Sustainable production intensification and value chain development in Africa
- Website The Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) for rapid characterisation of households to inform climate smart agriculture interventions: ...
- PDF Towards climate-smart agriculture in Egypt
- PDF Transforming agriculture in Africa’s Small Island Developing States
Enhancing the implementation of community-based adaptation to climate change
A range of case studies, frameworks, and methodologies for implementing best practices for community-based adaptation to climate changeThe most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Can food aid relax farmers’ constraints to adopting climate-adaptive agricultural practices?
- PDF Caribbean Strategy for Climate-Resilient Forests and Rural Livelihoods
- PDF Climate change impact on crop production in Sri Lanka
- Website Community-based adaptation exchange (CBA-X)
- Website Ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) in action: The case of forestry
- PDF Final evaluation of the project "Strengthening resilience to climate change through integrated agricultural and pastoral management in the ...
- PDF Framework of milestones and indicators for community-based adaptation
- Website Participatory survey methods for gathering information
Resources on climate-smart agriculture
A wide variety of materials on concepts, guidelines, policies, practices and approaches related to climate-smart agriculture.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Climate-Smart Agriculture: A Call for Action
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture in action: from concepts to investments
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture: Building resilience to climate change
- Website Climate-smart landscapes: opportunities and challenges for integrating adaptation and mitigation in tropical agriculture
- PDF Collaboration on climate-smart agriculture: Agriculture and climate change challenges and opportunities at the global and local level
- PDF Crops and climate change impact briefs
- Website Economics and Policy Innovations for Climate-Smart Agriculture (EPIC) working papers
- Website Economics and policy innovations for Climate-Smart Agriculture programme (EPIC) policy briefs
- PDF Enabling advisory services for climate-smart agriculture (CSA): Key elements to foster farmers' adoption of CSA practices
- Website GACSA portal
- Website Global Alliance on Climate-Smart Agriculture
- PDF Improving climate risk transfer and management for climate-smart agriculture: A review of existing examples of successful index-based insurance ...
- Website Introduction to climate-smart agriculture
- PDF Law and governance in support of climate-smart agriculture and international climate change goals
- PDF Leveraging COVID-19 recovery strategies to build climate-smart agrifood systems in developing countries
- PDF Managing climate risk using climate-smart agriculture
- Video Scaling up Investments for Climate Smart Agriculture projects in food systems
- Website The North America Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance
Mitigating climate change through agriculture
The agriculture sector contributes to global greenhouse gas emissions but can also contribute to global mitigation efforts. Studies to inform policy are presented in this collection.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Achieving transformational change in land use and climate change
- Website AgLED Resource Platform
- Website Agriculture Methodology
- PDF Climate change mitigation
- PDF Climate change mitigation options in agrifood systems
- PDF How can agrifood trade support climate change mitigation?
- PDF Comunidades rurales bajas en carbono: Aumentando la resiliencia y mitigando el cambio climático para el desarrollo rural: una experiencia en Honduras
- Website Enhancing climate change mitigation through agriculture
- Website Global Nitrous Oxide Assessment
- PDF Low carbon rural communities: Enhancing resilience and mitigating climate change for rural development: one experience in Honduras
- Website Policy strategies and challenges for climate change mitigation in the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) sector
- Website Revising Public Agricultural Support to Mitigate Climate Change
Tools and databases for analyzing and modelling climate change adaptation
A wide range of tools to support decision-making for adaptation and modelling efficient agriculture practices.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website Climate Action Review Tool
- Website Climate Change Adaptation in the Livestock Sector
- PDF Climate maps for the Lao People's Democratic Republic
- PDF Designing climate change adaptation initiatives: A UNDP toolkit for practitioners
- Website Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) tool
- PDF GCF Project Toolkit 2017. Guide to develop a project proposal for the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
- Website InVest: Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Trade-offs
- Website Integrated Modelling Platform for Mixed Animal Crop systems Lite Tool (IMPACT)
- Website Modelling European agriculture with climate change for food security (MACSUR)
- Website Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC)
- Website Strengthening monitoring and evaluation for adaptation in the agriculture sectors
- Website The UKCIP Adaptation Wizard
- PDF UNDP–FAO Climate Action Review Tool
- PDF Using metrics to assess progress towards the Paris Agreement’s Global Goal on Adaptation