Gender in climate change adaptation
A wide variety of learning materials, guidelines, methodologies and studies on gender in the context of climate change adaptation.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Leaving no one behind. The African regional outlook on gender and agrifood systems
- Video International Women Day 2022: Agri-food-systems facing climate change in the MENA region
- PDF Building Capacities to Develop Gender-Sensitive Climate Change Adaptation Proposals for Funding Consideration in Caribbean Small Island Developing ...
- PDF Climate resilience and disaster risk analysis for gender-sensitive value chains
- PDF Course 1: Addressing gender equality in climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture
- PDF Farmers in a changing climate Does gender matter?
- Video Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism
- Website Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate Change and Agriculture
- PDF Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors: Guide for trainers
- PDF Gender, agrifood value chains and climate-resilient agriculture in Small Island Developing States
- PDF Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within National Adaptation Plans
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in agrifood value chains
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in aquaculture and fisheries
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in climate-smart agriculture
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in the livestock sector
- PDF Tackling climate change through rural women’s empowerment
- PDF Training guide: Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors
Food security and climate change
This collection presents various resources to explore and understand the relationship between climate change and food security.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Food security and nutrition in the age of climate change
- PDF Best practices in addressing the major drivers of food security and nutrition to transform food systems
- PDF Building resilience to climate change
- PDF Climate adaptation & resilience for food & water security
- PDF Climate change and food security: risks and responses
- PDF Food security & climate benefits through nationally appropriate mitigation actions in agriculture
- Website Land use and the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security
- Website Promoting water tenure for food security, climate resilience and equity
Building capacity for climate-smart agriculture
A wide variety of training materials, webinars, and reports on climate-smart agriculture.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website Water management for climate-smart agriculture
- PDF Climate Action for Agriculture: Strengthening the role of scientific foresight and climate-smart agriculture in addressing NDC priorities
- Website Climate change adaptation and mitigation in fisheries and aquaculture
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture training manual: a reference manual for agricultural extension agents
- Website Climate-smart agriculture, loss of biodiversity, and the uncertainties associated with climate change
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture: A call for action. Workshop proceedings
- Website Climate-smart crop production
- Website Climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture
- Website Climate-smart forestry
- PDF Guide pour un cursus en agriculture intelligente face au climat (AIC) dans les programmes d’enseignement en Afrique de l’ouest francophone
- Video Understanding Climate-Smart Agriculture
- Website Webinar: climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on advisory services for climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on index-based insurance for risk management in climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on irrigation in climate-smart agriculture
Country experiences with climate-smart agriculture
Climate-smart agriculture country experiences: a variety of cross-cutting activities and practices.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Assessing the profitability and feasibility of climate-smart agriculture investment in Southern Malawi: Understanding the costs and benefits in a ...
- PDF Barriers, incentives and benefits in the adoption of climate-smart agriculture. Lessons from the MICCA pilot project in Kenya
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture case studies 2021 – Projects from around the world
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture guidelines for the United Republic of Tanzania
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture in China
- Website Climate-smart agriculture in action
- Website Climate-smart agriculture success stories: From farming communities around the world
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture. Case studies 2018. Successful approaches from different regions
- PDF Climate-smart livestock production
- Website Climate-smart soil, water and nutrient management options in semiarid West Africa: a review of evidence and analysis of stone bunds and zaï techniques
- PDF Eastern Africa Climate-Smart Agriculture Scoping Study: Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
- PDF Eastern Africa climate-smart agriculture scoping study: Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda
- PDF Enabling farmers to face climate change: Second cycle of the benefit-sharing fund projects
- PDF Ethiopia climate-smart agriculture scoping study
- Website Integrated monitoring framework for climate-smart agriculture: Hoima climate-smart villages, Uganda
- Website Kenya country experience in reducing the GHG balance of the livestock production systems
- PDF Kenya's Tea Sector under Climate Change
- PDF Maasai communities in Kenya adapting to climate change by adopting smart-agriculture practices
- PDF Overview of the scientific, political and financial landscape of climate-smart agriculture in West Africa
- PDF Planning, implementing and evaluating climate-smart sgriculture in smallholder farming systems. The experience of the MICCA pilot projects in ...
- PDF Quesungual & Kuxur Rum: Ancestral agroforestry systems in the Dry Corridor of Central America
- PDF Sustainable production intensification and value chain development in Africa
- Website The Rural Household Multi-Indicator Survey (RHoMIS) for rapid characterisation of households to inform climate smart agriculture interventions: ...
- PDF Towards climate-smart agriculture in Egypt
- PDF Transforming agriculture in Africa’s Small Island Developing States
Applying the climate-smart approach
Studies describing the application of the climate-smart approach to natural resources and agriculture management systems.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website Climate-smart livestock production
- PDF "Energy-Smart" food for people and climate
- PDF Climate-smart forestry
- Website Climate-smart forestry
- Website Climate-smart soil and land management
- PDF Compendium on climate-smart irrigation: Concepts, evidence and options for a climate-smart approach to improving the performance of irrigated ...
- PDF Measuring climate co-benefits of livestock development in Cameroon
- PDF Solar-powered irrigation systems: A clean-energy, low-emission option for irrigation development and modernization
- PDF Supplemental irrigation: A promising climate-smart practice for dryland agriculture
- PDF Supporting agricultural extension towards climate-smart agriculture: An overview of existing tools
Impacts of disasters and natural hazards on agriculture, food security and nu...
Resources aiming to help fill the current knowledge gap on the nature and magnitude of impacts of disasters triggered by natural hazards on the agriculture, natural resources, food security and nutrition.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website Agricultural Risk Management in the Face of Climate Change
- Video International Women Day 2022: Agri-food-systems facing climate change in the MENA region
- PDF Comprehensive Analysis of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System for Agriculture in Serbia
- PDF Hunger hotspots: FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity – March to July 2021 outlook
- PDF Managing climate risks through social protection: Reducing rural poverty and building resilient agricultural livelihoods
- PDF Resilient livelihoods: Disaster risk reduction for food and nutrition security
- PDF The impact of natural hazards and disasters on agriculture, food security and nutrition
Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture process and FAO’s role
This collection provides useful resources about the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture process under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and why it is important to FAO.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF A preliminary review of agriculture-related activities in the Green Climate Fund portfolio
- PDF State of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
- PDF Understanding the future of Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
- PDF Agreed conclusions on the six topics of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture roadmap
- Video FAO and the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
- Video How is agriculture different from other sectors when it comes to climate change?
- Video Implementing the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
- Video Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture explained
- Video Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: views from agriculture experts
- Video Koronivia and the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land
- PDF FAO and the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
- Video New Zealand and the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
- PDF Outcomes and lessons learned from the Koronivia UNFCCC negotiations on agriculture and food security, and the way forward after COP 27
- Video What is the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture?
- Video The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture process explained
- PDF The Koronivia joint work on agriculture and the convention bodies: an overview
- Video Understanding the future of Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
- Video What’s next for the Koronivia Joint work on Agriculture? (Part 1)
- Video What’s next for the Koronivia Joint work on Agriculture? (Part 2)
- PDF Who is contributing to the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture and how?
- Video Why are the Koronivia Dialogues organized by FAO important?
- Video Why is the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture important?
- Video Why the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture matters
- Video ¿Qué trabajo está realizando América Latina en el marco de la Labor conjunta de Koronivia?
FAO analyses of submissions on the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture
This collection contains FAO analyses of Party and observer submissions on Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) topics which include soils, nutrient use, water, livestock, methods for assessing adaptation, and the socio-economic and food security dimensions of climate change across the agricultural sectors.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Video CMCC-FAO-webinar: Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: views from Parties and observers
- Video CMCC-FAO-webinar: Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture, views from Parties and observers on topic 2(d)
- Video CMCC-FAO-webinar: Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture, views from Parties and observers on topics 2(b) and 2(c)
- Video CMCC-FAO-webinar: Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: views from Parties and observers on topic 2(a)
- Video CMCC-FAO-webinar: Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: views from Parties and observers on topics 2(e) and 2(f)
- PDF Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture Analysis of submissions on topics 2(e) and 2(f)
- PDF Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: Analysis of submissions
- PDF Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: Analysis of submissions on topic 2(a)
- PDF Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: Analysis of submissions on topic 2(b) and 2(c)
- PDF Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: Analysis of submissions on topics 2(d)
- PDF Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture: summary of submissions
Cross-cutting topics related to food and agriculture
A wide variety of learning materials and studies for technical audiences including concepts, practices and techniques for food security, systems and production in the context of climate change in food and agriculture.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World – 2018
- PDF "Energy-Smart" food for people and climate
- PDF Actions to transform food systems under climate change
- PDF Africa: regional overview of food security and nutrition
- Website Agriculture, food security and climate change: Outlook for knowledge, tools and action
- PDF Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability. A call for action
- PDF Climate change and food security and nutrition Latin America and the Caribbean (policy guidelines)
- PDF Climate change: Unpacking the burden on food safety
- PDF Enhancing knowledge on climate change mitigation and adaptation for food security and nutrition
- PDF Ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for all through transformation of food systems
- PDF Food systems transformation: Developing sustainable, eco-friendly, climate-smart food production along value chains in Africa
- PDF Framework for Action on Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture
- PDF Info Note 2. The State of Food and Agriculture 2016; Climate change, agriculture and food security improved farming practices reduce impacts of ...
- PDF Measuring progress towards sustainable agriculture
- PDF Panorama of food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean
- PDF Priorities related to food value chains and the agri-food sector in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
- PDF Pulses and climate change. Revised edition
- PDF Report on the high-level regional dialogue on the mainstreaming of biodiversity in the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors
- PDF The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017: Building Resilience for Peace and Food Security
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2016 : Climate change, agriculture and food security
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture 2016 Info Note 1: Climate change, agriculture and food security climate change: what does it mean for ...
- PDF The future of food and agriculture – Trends and challenges
- PDF The state of food and agriculture: Adaptation
Cross-cutting issues on livestock and climate change
A wide variety of learning materials for providing the basic understanding of cross-cutting issues in the relationship of livestock and climate change.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: