Mainstreaming gender in national adaptation plans
A range of materials to enhance gender equality in the context of adaptation to climate change impacts on agriculture and related national adaptation plans.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Video Addressing gender and climate change adaptation in Viet Nam’s agriculture sectors
- PDF Best practices and available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, and application of ...
- Website Gender adaptation and disaster risk reduction – Policy brief
- PDF Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate
- Website Gender and adaptation planning in the agricultural sectors: The case of Uganda
- PDF Gender mainstreaming and climate resilience in Zambia's cashew sector: Insights for adaptation planners
- PDF Making the case for gender-responsive adaptation planning in Uruguay: The importance of sex-disaggregated data
- PDF Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within national adaptation plans
- PDF Gender and climate change research in agriculture and food security for rural development
Building capacity for climate-smart agriculture
A wide variety of training materials, webinars, and reports on climate-smart agriculture.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Climate Action for Agriculture: Strengthening the role of scientific foresight and climate-smart agriculture in addressing NDC priorities
- Website Climate change adaptation and mitigation in fisheries and aquaculture
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture training manual: a reference manual for agricultural extension agents
- Website Climate-smart agriculture, loss of biodiversity, and the uncertainties associated with climate change
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture: A call for action. Workshop proceedings
- Website Climate-smart crop production
- Website Climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture
- Website Climate-smart forestry
- PDF Guide pour un cursus en agriculture intelligente face au climat (AIC) dans les programmes d’enseignement en Afrique de l’ouest francophone
- Video Understanding Climate-Smart Agriculture
- Website Water management for climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinar: climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on advisory services for climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on index-based insurance for risk management in climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on irrigation in climate-smart agriculture
Guidelines on leveraging finance for climate change adaptation and mitigation
This collection contains guidelines on accessing and leveraging finance for climate change adaptation and mitigation - including Green Climate Funds.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website AID monitor
- Website Agriculture Risk Financing in Southern Africa
- PDF Carbon finance possibilities for agriculture, forestry and other land use projects in a smallholder context
- Website Clearinghouse for financing development data - Smarter financing for development data
- PDF Climate change mitigation finance for smallholder agriculture: A guide book to harvesting soil carbon sequestration benefits
- Website Climate-related development finance to agrifood systems
- Website Climate-related development finance to agrifood systems, 2024 update
- Website Connecting multilateral climate finance to mitigation projects
- Website Driving Finance for Sustainable Food Systems
- PDF FAO and the Green Climate Fund in brief
- PDF Green Climate Fund handbook for North Macedonia
- PDF Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation Initiative - FAST
- PDF Manual for climate investments of the private sector
- Website Opportunities for Climate Finance in the Livestock Sector: Removing Obstacles and Realizing Potential
- Website The GEF and Climate Change: Catalyzing Transformation
- Video The Green Climate Fund opens up new opportunities for North Macedonia to enhance climate action
- Website The Triple Gap in Finance for Agrifood Systems
- PDF The accreditation process of the Green Climate Fund
- PDF The accreditation process of the Green Climate Fund (with a focus on the Republic of North Macedonia)
Peatlands and climate change
Relevant materials about peatland ecosystem in the context of the climate change.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: