Guidelines on National Adaptation Plans
A wide variety of guidelines and learning modules providing information on how to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans and to integrate them with current policy frameworks.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Addressing fisheries and aquaculture in National Adaptation Plans. (Supplement to the UNFCCC NAP Technical Guidelines).
- PDF Addressing forestry and agroforestry in National Adaptation Plans (supplementary guidelines)
- Website CDKN planning for NDC implementation: Adaptation module
- Website Developing and implementing a National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries (NPOA-SSF)
- Website Developing and implementing a National Plan of Action for Small-Scale Fisheries (NPOA-SSF)
- Website Effectively delivering on Climate and Nature: NDCs, NAPs and NBSAPs Synergies – A checklist for national policymakers
- Website How FAO supports developing countries in their National Adaptation Plans
- PDF Initial guidelines for the formulation of national adaptation plans by least developed countries
- PDF National Adaptation Plan process: Water supplement to the technical guidelines
- PDF National Adaptation Plans (NAPs): Technical guidelines for the NAP process
- Website National Adaptation Plans: Supplementary materials and technical guidelines
- PDF Re-envisioning Climate Change Adaptation Policy to Sustain Peace - A typology & Analysis of the NAPs
- PDF Recommendations for aligning National Adaptation Plan (NAP) processes with development and budget planning. Supplementary material to the NAP ...
- Website Stocktaking for National Adaptation Planning (SNAP): Assessing capacity for implementing NDCs
- Website The Climate Action Review (CAR) Tool
Agroecology knowledge hub
A collection of up-to-date articles, videos, case studies, and other relevant materials in one place, supporting stakeholders through knowledge exchange and transfer.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: -
Learning materials on ecosystem-based adaptation in the agriculture sector
Ecosystem-based adaptation is a nature-based solution for building the resilience of the food and agriculture sector to climate change. The materials presented in this section include studies, guidelines and policies for evaluating and valuing the benefits, costs and impacts of ecosystem-based adaptation measures.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website Building Climate Resilience through Ecosystem-based Adaptation Planning
- PDF Ecosystem restoration for people, nature and climate
- Website Ecosystem-based Adaptation: Working with nature to adapt to a changing climate
- PDF Ecosystem-based adaptation in the agriculture sector: A nature-based solution for building the resilience of the food and agriculture sector to ...
- PDF Forest-based adaptation: transformational adaptation through forests and trees
- Website Guidelines for Integrating Ecosystem-based Adaptation into National Adaptation Plans: Supplement to the UNFCCC NAP Technical Guidelines
- PDF Revisión científica del impacto del cambio climático en las plagas de las plantas
- PDF Scientific review of the impact of climate change on plant pests: A global challenge to prevent and mitigate plant-pest risks in agriculture, ...
National Adaptation Plans: Building climate resilience in agriculture
This collection includes all materials of the Massive Open Online Course aimed to equip participants with an understanding of the interlinkages between climate change, agriculture, food security and the role of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: -
Building capacity for climate change adaptation
E-learning courses, webinars, and reports to build capacity in climate change adaptation.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Adapting to climate variability and change
- Website Agroforestry and conservation agriculture webinar series
- PDF Bringing climate change adaptation into farmer field schools
- PDF Report of the Regional Training Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Planning
- Website Scaling up of adaptation in the agricultural sectors (SAAS) webinar series
- PDF Soluciones agroambientales para la agenda de desarrollo en países del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). Experiencias de los países ...
- PDF State of the global climate 2020
- PDF The 5Q approach
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2016 : Climate change, agriculture and food security
- PDF Youth in motion for climate action! A compilation of youth initiatives in agriculture to address the impacts of climate change
Agriculture and food security in the context of climate adaptation and resili...
A variety of materials to facilitate the exchange of knowledge for the technical audience on climate change adaptation, agriculture and food security.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: -
Building capacity for community-based adaptation
A wide variety of tools and e-learning courses for building capacity on the community-based adaptation approach.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold: -
Policies addressing climate change in the fishery and aquaculture sector
A range of examples and practices on how to integrate climate change concerns to fisheries and aquaculture.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Assessment of the integration of fisheries and aquaculture in policy development framework and application in Africa
- PDF Climate change adaptation in fisheries and aquaculture: Compilation of initial examples
- PDF Climate change implications for fisheries of the Benguela Current Region. Making the best of change
- PDF Lessons learned and public policy recommendations on adaptation to climate change in artisanal fisheries and small-scale aquaculture in Chile. ...
- PDF Protocol on climate change adaptation and disaster risk management in fisheries and aquaculture in the Caribbean
- PDF Building adaptive capacity to climate change: Policies to sustain livelihoods and fisheries
- PDF Report of the workshop on development of aquaculture insurance system for small-scale farmers
- PDF Social protection and sustainable natural resource management: Initial findings and good practices from small-scale fisheries
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in aquaculture and fisheries
Assessing climate resilience of vulnerable communities
Tools, studies and methodologies for assessing climate change vulnerability which can help climate change specialists incorporate adaptation planning into different sectors. They also allow farmers and pastoralists to self-assess and express their climate change-related concerns and interests.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- PDF Atlas of agricultural livelihoods and climate risk of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2019–2020
- PDF CLIMAFRICA: Climate change predictions in sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts and adaptations
- Website Compendium on methods and tools to evaluate impacts of and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
- PDF Delivery of climate services to last mile users: challenges and opportunities for scaling
- Website Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management
- PDF Migration, agriculture and climate change: Reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing resilience
- PDF Regional workshop on assessing climate change vulnerability in fisheries and aquaculture
- PDF Report of the vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Saint Kitts and Nevis
- PDF Report of vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Grenada
- PDF Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of Climate Resilience of Farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
- Website Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
- PDF Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to improve adaptation to climate change and food security in the Lao ...
- PDF Terminal evaluation of the project "Mainstreaming ecosystem-based approaches to climate-resilient rural livelihoods in vulnerable rural areas ...
- PDF The relations between climate change and child labour in agriculture
- PDF The unjust climate
- PDF Toolkit for Increasing Climate Change Resilience
- PDF Vulnerability assessment methodologies: An annotated bibliography for climate change and the fisheries and aquaculture sector
- PDF Vulnerability sourcebook: Risk supplement
Climate change and community-based adaptation
A wide variety of learning materials for technical audiences including concepts, webinars and techniques for climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector and ultimately on food security.The most relevant resources in this collection are highlighted in bold:- Website Climate risk adaptation by smallholder farmers: The roles of trees and agroforestry
- Website Community-Based Climate Climate Solutions for Sustainable Development
- PDF Compendium of community and indigenous strategies for climate change adaptation
- Website Gender and Climate Change and Community-Based Adaptation
- PDF Indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and climate change in Latin America – Ten scalable experiences of intercultural collaboration
- PDF Mountain Farming Is Family Farming
- PDF Mountain farming systems – seeds for the future
- Website Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) tool box
- PDF Report of the vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Saint Kitts and Nevis
- PDF Report of vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Grenada
- PDF Small farms, big impacts: Mainstreaming climate change for resilience and food security
- PDF The adaptation advantage: The economic benefits of preparing small-scale farmers for climate change
- PDF Toolkit for the application of Green Negotiated Territorial Development (GreeNTD)