Climate Negotiations


The climate negotiation process occurring through the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its related agreements is the primary forum for international cooperation on stabilizing atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations at a level that would prevent catastrophic anthropogenic interference with the climate system. CIEL coordinates a core group of organizations focused on these issues and continues to contribute to interventions, policy advocacy, and submissions to support eight core principles in climate action: human rights, participation, indigenous peoples, just transition, gender equality, ecosystem integrity and protection of biodiversity, intergenerational equity, and food security. Additionally, we promote participation and transparency in the process and provide support to civil society organizations and a diversity of constituencies in their ongoing dialogues with the UNFCCC Secretariat to build a more robust international climate regime to address the climate crisis.

Información adicional

Organización Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL)
Tipo de recurso Guías y metodologias
Año de lanzamiento 2022

Previsualización de Recurso
