Aplicación del enfoque climáticamente inteligente
Estudios en los que se describe la aplicación del enfoque climáticamente inteligente en los sistemas de gestión de los recursos naturales y la agricultura.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF "Energy-Smart" food for people and climate
- PDF Climate-smart forestry
- Website Climate-smart forestry
- Website Climate-smart livestock production
- Website Climate-smart soil and land management
- PDF Compendium on climate-smart irrigation: Concepts, evidence and options for a climate-smart approach to improving the performance of irrigated ...
- PDF Measuring climate co-benefits of livestock development in Cameroon
- PDF Solar-powered irrigation systems: A clean-energy, low-emission option for irrigation development and modernization
- PDF Supplemental irrigation: A promising climate-smart practice for dryland agriculture
- PDF Supporting agricultural extension towards climate-smart agriculture: An overview of existing tools
Creación de capacidad para la agricultura climáticamente inteligente
Esta colección comprende una amplia variedad de materiales de capacitación, seminarios web e informes sobre agricultura climáticamente inteligente.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Climate Action for Agriculture: Strengthening the role of scientific foresight and climate-smart agriculture in addressing NDC priorities
- Website Climate change adaptation and mitigation in fisheries and aquaculture
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture training manual: a reference manual for agricultural extension agents
- Website Climate-smart agriculture, loss of biodiversity, and the uncertainties associated with climate change
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture: A call for action. Workshop proceedings
- Website Climate-smart crop production
- Website Climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture
- Website Climate-smart forestry
- PDF Guide pour un cursus en agriculture intelligente face au climat (AIC) dans les programmes d’enseignement en Afrique de l’ouest francophone
- Video Understanding Climate-Smart Agriculture
- Website Water management for climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinar: climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on advisory services for climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on index-based insurance for risk management in climate-smart agriculture
- Website Webinars on irrigation in climate-smart agriculture
La incorporación de las consideraciones sobre el cambio climático en los prog...
Recursos para ayudar a los profesionales de la formulación de proyectos de inversión a incorporar las consideraciones relativas al cambio climático en los proyectos y programas de inversión agrícola.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Climate Finance Toolkit for Europe and Central Asia
- PDF Climate finance in the agriculture and land use sector - global and regional trends between 2000 and 2018
- PDF Climate finance in the agriculture and land use sector between 2000-2019 - Special update
- PDF Climate resilient practices: Typology and guiding material for climate risk screening
- PDF Climate-related finance in the agriculture and land use sector between 2000 and 2020
- Website Dialogue on financing sustainable agrifood systems for youth: gaps and opportunities
- PDF FAST Partnership, Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation
- Website Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) Partnership
- PDF Incorporating climate change considerations into agricultural investment programmes. A guidance document.
- PDF Info Note 3. The State of Food and Agriculture 2016. Climate change, agriculture and food security the way forward: policies and financing for ...
- PDF Making climate-sensitive investments in agriculture
- Website Terms of Reference of the FAST Partnership - October 2024
- Website The Triple Gap in Finance for Agrifood Systems
Learning materials on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)
A wide variety of learning materials and e-learning courses on the Sustainable Development Goals including those related to climate change.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- Website Etudes en prospectives sur le changement climatique
- PDF FAO and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Website Introduction to Sustainable Development Goal Indicators under FAO custodianship
- Website SDG Indicator 2.4.1 - Sustainable Agriculture
- Website SDG Indicators 15.1.1 - 15.2.1 - Forest area and sustainable forest management
- PDF Sustainable Development Report 2022
- Website Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) knowledge hub
- PDF Tracking progress on food and agriculture-related SDG indicators 2023
- PDF Transforming food and agriculture to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)