Medición y seguimiento del carbono orgánico del suelo en el contexto del camb...
Esta colección comprende instrumentos y metodologías para medir y controlar la salud del suelo y los niveles de carbono orgánico del suelo.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita: -
Directrices sobre el aprovechamiento de la financiación para la adaptación y ...
Esta colección contiene pautas sobre el acceso y el aprovechamiento de la financiación para la adaptación y mitigación del cambio climático, incluidos los Fondos Verdes para el Clima.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- Website Agriculture Risk Financing in Southern Africa
- PDF Carbon finance possibilities for agriculture, forestry and other land use projects in a smallholder context
- Website Clearinghouse for financing development data - Smarter financing for development data
- PDF Climate change mitigation finance for smallholder agriculture: A guide book to harvesting soil carbon sequestration benefits
- Website Climate-related development finance to agrifood systems
- Website Climate-related development finance to agrifood systems, 2024 update
- Website Connecting multilateral climate finance to mitigation projects
- Website Driving Finance for Sustainable Food Systems
- PDF FAO and the Green Climate Fund in brief
- PDF Iniciativa Alimentación y Agricultura para una Transformación Sostenible - FAST
- PDF Green Climate Fund handbook for North Macedonia
- PDF Manual for climate investments of the private sector
- Website Opportunities for Climate Finance in the Livestock Sector: Removing Obstacles and Realizing Potential
- Website The GEF and Climate Change: Catalyzing Transformation
- Video The Green Climate Fund opens up new opportunities for North Macedonia to enhance climate action
- PDF The accreditation process of the Green Climate Fund
- PDF The accreditation process of the Green Climate Fund (with a focus on the Republic of North Macedonia)
Examen de diferentes aspectos, iniciativas y políticas sobre la aplicación de...
Visión general de las nuevas propuestas en diferentes ámbitos para las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Análisis y sistematización de documentos de Contribución Prevista Nacionalmente Determinada (CPND) en países de América Latina y el Caribe (LAC)
- Website Biodiversity and agrifood systems in nationally determined contributions
- PDF Embedding Agroecology Elements in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
- PDF Energy in and from agriculture in the African Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). A review
- Website Guide to including nature in nationally determined contribution
- PDF Implementing the Paris Agreement: LDC gaps and needs in greenhouse gas inventory reporting
- PDF Linking REDD+, the Paris Agreement, national determined contributions and suitable development goals: realizing the potential of forests for ndc ...
- PDF Localising NDCs with inspiration from the 2030 Agenda
- PDF Meeting the climate change mitigation commitments of least developed countries: The role of the agricultural sectors and the need for urgent action
- Website Nature-based Solutions Finance for NDCs
- PDF Panorama de las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional en America Latina y el Caribe, 2019: avances para el cumplimento del Acuerdo de Paris
- PDF Policy analysis of nationally determined contributions in Europe and Central Asia
- PDF The State of Nationally Determined Contributions: 2022
- PDF Working with Nature-based Solutions to address climate change
Aplicación del enfoque climáticamente inteligente
Estudios en los que se describe la aplicación del enfoque climáticamente inteligente en los sistemas de gestión de los recursos naturales y la agricultura.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF "Energy-Smart" food for people and climate
- PDF Climate-smart forestry
- Website Climate-smart forestry
- Website Climate-smart livestock production
- Website Climate-smart soil and land management
- PDF Compendium on climate-smart irrigation: Concepts, evidence and options for a climate-smart approach to improving the performance of irrigated ...
- PDF Measuring climate co-benefits of livestock development in Cameroon
- PDF Solar-powered irrigation systems: A clean-energy, low-emission option for irrigation development and modernization
- PDF Supplemental irrigation: A promising climate-smart practice for dryland agriculture
- PDF Supporting agricultural extension towards climate-smart agriculture: An overview of existing tools
Directrices y mejores prácticas sobre los efectos de las inversiones agrícolas
El material de esta sección tiene como objetivo mejorar el efecto de las inversiones para el desarrollo en la agricultura, los sistemas alimentarios y los medios de vida rurales mediante políticas y programas coherentes.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Accelerating investment towards carbon-neutral agrifood systems
- PDF Adoption of climate technologies in the agrifood system: investment opportunities in Kazakhstan
- PDF Adoption of climate technologies in the agrifood system: investment opportunities in the Kyrgyz Republic
- PDF Agriculture-related activities in the Green Climate Fund portfolio
- Website Climate technologies for agrifood systems transformation
- Website Climate-related development finance to agrifood systems
- Website Climate-related development finance to agrifood systems, 2024 update
- Website Co-designing the assessment of climate change costs (COACCH)
- PDF Feeding people, protecting the planet
- Website Global Donor Platform for Rural Development
- PDF How to invest in farmers?
- PDF Incorporating climate change considerations into agricultural investment programmes. A guidance document.
- PDF Investing in agricultural water management
- Website Making climate finance work for agrifood systems in Asia and the Pacific
- PDF Manual for climate investments of the private sector
- PDF Private sector mapping, outreach, and engagement in climate-responsive agrifood systems
- Website Promoting inclusive green finance in agriculture
- PDF The shortest path. Accelerating investment towards carbon-neutral agrifood systems
La incorporación de las consideraciones sobre el cambio climático en los prog...
Recursos para ayudar a los profesionales de la formulación de proyectos de inversión a incorporar las consideraciones relativas al cambio climático en los proyectos y programas de inversión agrícola.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Climate resilient practices: Typology and guiding material for climate risk screening
- PDF Climate Finance Toolkit for Europe and Central Asia
- PDF Climate finance in the agriculture and land use sector - global and regional trends between 2000 and 2018
- PDF Climate finance in the agriculture and land use sector between 2000-2019 - Special update
- PDF Climate-related finance in the agriculture and land use sector between 2000 and 2020
- Website Dialogue on financing sustainable agrifood systems for youth: gaps and opportunities
- PDF FAST Partnership, Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation
- PDF Incorporating climate change considerations into agricultural investment programmes. A guidance document.
- PDF Info Note 3. The State of Food and Agriculture 2016. Climate change, agriculture and food security the way forward: policies and financing for ...
- PDF Making climate-sensitive investments in agriculture
- Website Terms of Reference of the FAST Partnership - October 2024
- Website The Triple Gap in Finance for Agrifood Systems
Elaboración de informes sobre actividades relacionadas con el cambio climátic...
Metodologías, directrices y módulos de capacitación sobre cómo realizar actividades de presentación de informes relativos al cambio climático en el sector forestal.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF La restauración de bosques y paisajes integrada a los sistemas nacionales de monitoreo forestal
- PDF From reference levels to results reporting: REDD+ under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- Website Measurement, reporting and verification for environmental integrity: Application
- PDF Herramienta de evaluación del sistema nacional de monitoreo forestal
- PDF National forest monitoring systems: Monitoring and measurement, reporting and verification in the context of REDD+ activities
- Website REDD+ MRV training modules
- PDF REDD+ and FLEGT: Working together to strengthen forest governance and mitigate climate change
- Website Technological innovation driving transparent forest monitoring and reporting for climate action
- PDF Voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring
Metodologías y directrices sobre las contribuciones determinadas a nivel naci...
Metodologías y directrices para evaluar la adaptación al cambio climático y la mitigación de sus efectos en el sector agrícola e integrarlas en las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Assessing policy gaps and opportunities in nationally determined contributions
- PDF Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals: An Introductory Guide for Practitioners
- PDF A common framework for agriculture and land use in the nationally determined contributions
- PDF Assessing the role of agriculture and land use in nationally determined contributions
- PDF COP28 agriculture, food and climate national action and toolkit
- PDF Linking nationally determined contributions and the sustainable development goals through agriculture
- Website NDC Enhancement: Opportunities in Agriculture
- PDF Priorities related to food value chains and the agri-food sector in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
- PDF Technical guidance for the Nationally Determined Contribution Expert Tool (NEXT)
- PDF Technical guide for the Adaptation, Biodiversity and Carbon Mapping Tool
- Website The Climate Action Review (CAR) Tool
- Website The Nationally Determined Contribution Expert Tool (NEXT)
- Website The Nationally Determined Contributions Tracking Tool
- PDF The Nationally Determined Contributions Tracking Tool user manual
La mitigación del cambio climático mediante la agricultura
El sector agrícola contribuye a las emisiones mundiales de gases de efecto invernadero, pero también puede apoyar los esfuerzos de mitigación emprendidos en todo el mundo. En esta colección se presentan estudios para orientar las políticas impulsadas al respecto.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Achieving transformational change in land use and climate change
- Website AgLED Resource Platform
- Website Agriculture Methodology
- PDF La mitigación de los efectos del cambio climático
- PDF Climate change mitigation options in agrifood systems
- PDF Comunidades rurales bajas en carbono: Aumentando la resiliencia y mitigando el cambio climático para el desarrollo rural: una experiencia en Honduras
- Website Enhancing climate change mitigation through agriculture
- Website Global Nitrous Oxide Assessment
- PDF ¿Cómo puede el comercio agroalimentario respaldar la mitigación del cambio climático?
- PDF Low carbon rural communities: Enhancing resilience and mitigating climate change for rural development: one experience in Honduras
- Website Policy strategies and challenges for climate change mitigation in the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) sector
- Website Revising Public Agricultural Support to Mitigate Climate Change
La función de los bosques en la lucha contra el cambio climático
Esta colección contiene una amplia variedad de materiales sobre cómo los bosques pueden desempeñar un papel importante en la lucha contra el cambio climático.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF The economics of climate change mitigation options in the forest sector
- PDF Building climate-resilient dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral production systems
- PDF Capacity Building on National Forest Information Analysis and Reporting for Enhancing Credibility of National Climate Change and REDD+ Implementation
- PDF Community guidelines for accessing forestry voluntary carbon markets
- PDF Forest and farm producers – climate-change sentinels
- PDF Forests and climate change
- PDF Forests and climate change
- PDF Forests and climate change
- PDF Forests, rangelands and climate change in southern Africa
- PDF Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands
- PDF The key role of forest and landscape restoration in climate action
- PDF The national forest monitoring system as part of the National Strategy on Climate Change and Vegetation Resources in Chile: Applying ...
- PDF Transformational change to reduce deforestation and climate change impacts
- Website UN-REDD Programme