Ganadería sostenible para hacer frente al cambio climático
Esta colección incluye una amplia variedad de recursos prácticos para acelerar el desarrollo sostenible de las cadenas de suministro pecuarias y apoyar acciones climáticas coherentes.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Cameroon moves towards low-carbon livestock systems
- PDF Climate change and the global dairy cattle sector
- PDF Climate smart livestock production in Ecuador
- Website Estimating methane emissions from enteric fermentation using Tier 2 method
- PDF Five practical actions towards low-carbon livestock
- Website GLEAM v 3.0 Dashboard
- Website Global agenda for sustainable livestock
- PDF Improving efficiency of small ruminants productions for reduction of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity
- Video Introducing the Global Agenda of Action in support of sustainable livestock sector development
- PDF Livestock and climate change
- Website Livestock environmental assessment and performance partnership (LEAP)
- Website Low carbon livestock development in Kyrgyzstan
- PDF Pathways towards lower emissions
- PDF Piloting the Climate-Smart Approach in the Livestock Production Systems
- PDF Prioritizing the reduction of methane in livestock climate actions in East Africa
- PDF Soluciones ganaderas para el cambio climático
- PDF Tackling climate change through livestock
- Website The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases: Livestock research group
- PDF The role of animal health in national climate commitments
- PDF Understanding the role of ruminant systems on greenhouse gas emissions and soil health in selected Central Asian countries
- PDF Understanding the role of ruminant systems on greenhouse gas emissions and soil health in selected Central Asian countries
- Website Webinars on livestock
Energía, agricultura y cambio climático
Estudios y materiales de aprendizaje para abordar la mitigación del cambio climático mediante soluciones energéticas en la agricultura.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF "Energy-Smart" food for people and climate
- PDF A compilation of tools and methodologies to assess the sustainability of modern bioenergy
- Website Changements climatiques et environnement
- Website Décryptage des principaux résultats de la CdP25 (Chili/Madrid). Et poursuite du processus de la CCNUCC en 2020 vers la CdP26 (Glasgow, novembre 2021)
- PDF Energy in and from agriculture in the African Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). A review
- PDF Energy, agriculture and climate change: Towards energy-smart agriculture
- Website Etudes en prospectives sur le changement climatique
- PDF Global observatory on non-state climate action (2020). Global synthesis report on climate action by sector
- PDF Renewable energy for agri-food systems: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement
- PDF Renewable energy for agrifood chains – Investing in solar energy in Rwanda
- PDF Solar-powered irrigation systems: A clean-energy, low-emission option for irrigation development and modernization
- PDF The charcoal transition
- PDF Walking the nexus talk: Assessing the water–energy–food nexus in the context of the sustainable energy for all initiative
La función de los suelos en la mitigación del cambio climático
Colección de materiales de aprendizaje relacionados con el carbono en el suelo y la gestión de suelos en el contexto de la mitigación del cambio climático.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Carbone des sols en Afrique. Impacts des usages des sols et des pratiques agricoles
- PDF Carbono orgánico del suelo - el potencial oculto
- PDF Global Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration Potential Map – GSOCseq v.1.1
- PDF Global assessment of soil carbon in grasslands
- PDF Global assessment of soil pollution: Report
- PDF Los suelos ayudan a combatir y adaptarse al cambio climático
- PDF Los suelos ayudan a combatir y adaptarse al cambio climático
- PDF Soils' potential to contribute to offset international aviation emissions
- PDF Soils: key to unlocking the potential of mitigating and adapting to climate change
- PDF Understanding countries’ status and challenges for the estimation of carbon stock changes from mineral soils in national greenhouse gas ...
Elaboración de informes sobre actividades relacionadas con el cambio climátic...
Metodologías, directrices y módulos de capacitación sobre cómo realizar actividades de presentación de informes relativos al cambio climático en el sector forestal.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF From reference levels to results reporting: REDD+ under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- PDF La restauración de bosques y paisajes integrada a los sistemas nacionales de monitoreo forestal
- Website Measurement, reporting and verification for environmental integrity: Application
- PDF Herramienta de evaluación del sistema nacional de monitoreo forestal
- PDF National forest monitoring systems: Monitoring and measurement, reporting and verification in the context of REDD+ activities
- Website REDD+ MRV training modules
- PDF REDD+ and FLEGT: Working together to strengthen forest governance and mitigate climate change
- Website Technological innovation driving transparent forest monitoring and reporting for climate action
- PDF Voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring
Instrumentos para la evaluación de los gases de efecto invernadero
Instrumentos y bases de datos para apoyar a los países en la evaluación de las emisiones y la absorción de GEI procedentes del sector de la agricultura, silvicultura y otros usos de la tierra mediante herramientas prácticas.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- Website AFOLU Carbon Calculator
- Website Agriculture and Land Use national Greenhouse Gas Inventory software (ALU)
- Website Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Mitigation Option Tool
- Website Collect Earth
- Website Cool Farm Tool
- Website EPA. 2020. U.S. EPA Toolkit for Building National GHG Inventory Systems
- Website EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT)
- PDF EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool (EX-ACT) for value chains
- PDF EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool for value chains
- PDF EX-Ante Carbon-balance Tool | EX-ACT
- PDF Emissions due to agriculture: Global, regional and country trends 2000–2018
- Website Emissions overview
- PDF Estimating GHG emissions and carbon sequestration in agriculture, forestry and other land use with EX-ACT
- PDF Ex-Ante Carbon balance Tool
- Website FAOSTAT Emissions - Agriculture
- Website FAOSTAT Emissions - Land use
- Website FAOSTAT Emissions intensities
- Website FAOSTAT Emissions shares
- Website GLEAM v 3.0 Dashboard
- Website Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM)
- PDF Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM): Model description. version 3.0
- Website Global database of greenhouse gas emissions related to feed crops
- Website Global database of national greenhouse gas inventory capacity in developing countries
- Website IPCC 2020. IPCC Inventory Software
- Website Quality assurance/Quality control (QA/QC) and verification
- PDF The LoGIc tool for developing land representation for national greenhouse gas inventories
- PDF The LoGIc tool for developing land representation for national greenhouse gas inventories. The file input template
- PDF The LoGIc tool for developing land representation for national greenhouse gas inventories. The tool
- Website Using EX-ACT to estimate the mitigation potential of agricultural interventions
Metodologías y directrices para la evaluación de los gases de efecto invernadero
Metodologías de la FAO para cuantificar las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero procedentes de diferentes fuentes agrícolas y determinar oportunidades de mitigación.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- Website 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
- Website 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories
- Website An Eye on Methane: International Methane Emissions Observatory 2022 Report
- PDF Emissions Gap Report 2021
- Website Emissions Gap Report 2022
- Website Emissions Gap Report 2023
- Website Emissions Gap Report 2024
- Website Global Database of National GHG Inventory (GHGI) Capacity in Developing Countries
- Website Global Nitrous Oxide Assessment
- Website Greenhouse Gas Accounting for Sustainable Land Management : Quick Guidance for Users
- PDF Greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy use from poultry supply chains: Guidelines for assessment
- PDF Greenhouse gas emissions and fossil energy use from small ruminant supply chains. Guidelines for assessment.
- PDF Greenhouse gas emissions ruminant supply chains: A global life cycle assessment
- PDF Guía para el establecimiento y la mejora de equipos técnicos nacionales para los inventarios de gases de efecto invernadero en países en desarrollo
- PDF Guidance for the standardized greenhouse assessment of agriculture, forestry and other land use projects
- PDF Livestock Activity Data Guidance (L-ADG)
- PDF Methane emissions in livestock and rice systems
- PDF Methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food systems. Part V: household food consumption.
- PDF Methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food systems Part VI: fluorinated gas emissions
- PDF Methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food systems – Part III: energy use in fertilizer manufacturing, food processing, packaging, ...
- PDF Methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food systems. Part II: waste disposal.
- PDF Methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food systems. Part I: domestic food transport.
- PDF Methods for estimating greenhouse gas emissions from food systems. Part IV: Pesticide manufacturing.
- PDF Policy Strategies and Challenges for Climate Change Mitigation in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Sector
- PDF Smallholder dairy methodology
Políticas y medidas para fomentar la retención de carbono en el suelo
Recursos relacionados con políticas en materia de retención de carbono en el suelo.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita: