Ganadería sostenible para hacer frente al cambio climático
Esta colección incluye una amplia variedad de recursos prácticos para acelerar el desarrollo sostenible de las cadenas de suministro pecuarias y apoyar acciones climáticas coherentes.Los recursos más relevantes de esta colección están resaltados en negrita:- PDF Cameroon moves towards low-carbon livestock systems
- PDF Climate change and the global dairy cattle sector
- PDF Climate smart livestock production in Ecuador
- Website Estimating methane emissions from enteric fermentation using Tier 2 method
- PDF Five practical actions towards low-carbon livestock
- Website GLEAM v 3.0 Dashboard
- Website Global agenda for sustainable livestock
- PDF Improving efficiency of small ruminants productions for reduction of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity
- Video Introducing the Global Agenda of Action in support of sustainable livestock sector development
- PDF Livestock and climate change
- Website Livestock environmental assessment and performance partnership (LEAP)
- Website Low carbon livestock development in Kyrgyzstan
- PDF Pathways towards lower emissions
- PDF Piloting the Climate-Smart Approach in the Livestock Production Systems
- PDF Prioritizing the reduction of methane in livestock climate actions in East Africa
- PDF Soluciones ganaderas para el cambio climático
- PDF Tackling climate change through livestock
- Website The Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases: Livestock research group
- PDF The role of animal health in national climate commitments
- PDF Understanding the role of ruminant systems on greenhouse gas emissions and soil health in selected Central Asian countries
- PDF Understanding the role of ruminant systems on greenhouse gas emissions and soil health in selected Central Asian countries
- Website Webinars on livestock