Outils de modélisation des pratiques agricoles efficaces
Earth Map: A Novel Tool for Fast Performance of Advanced Land Monitoring and Climate AssessmentPDF
Earth Map (https://earthmap.org/) is an innovative and free application developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations that was designed in the framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations–Google partnership and facilitates the visualization,...
AQUASTAT is FAO's global water information system. It is the most quoted source on global water statistics.
Drainage of organic soils and greenhouse gas emissions 1990–2019Site Web
Newly released estimates of the amount of area of organic soils drained for agriculture and the resulting anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
FAOSTAT provides free access to food and agriculture data for over 245 countries and territories and covers all FAO regional groupings from 1961 to the most recent year available.
AquaMapsSite Web
AquaMaps is the FAO global online spatial database on water and agriculture. It provides access to regional and global spatial datasets on water resources and water management through a simple interface.
AquaCrop is a crop growth model developed by FAO’s Land and Water Division to address food security and assess the effect of the environment and management on crop production. AquaCrop simulates the yield response of herbaceous crops to water and is particularly well suited to conditions in which...
Climate and Agriculture Risk Visualization and Assessment (CAVA)Site Web
Climate and Agriculture Risk Visualization and Assessment (CAVA) is an approach to climate information with a focus on agriculture. Its goal is to provide long-term, climate services by democratising access and simplifying the use of past and future climate and impact data. CAVA offers two main...
StrataSite Web
Strata analyzes climate security to bring awareness of the inter-linkages between climate change, environmental degradation and peace and security.
Regional agricultural forecasting tool (CRAFT)Site Web
This platform provides a flexible, open-source crop forecasting platform that can be tailored to user needs.
Climate Change Indicators DashboardSite Web
A statistical tool linking climate considerations and global economic indicators.
SERVIR GlobalSite Web
A joint development initiative of NASA and USAID, SERVIR works in partnership with leading regional organizations worldwide to help developing countries use the information provided by Earth-observing satellites and geospatial technologies for managing climate risks and land use. SERVIR empowers...
EarthMapSite Web
Earth Map is an innovative and free application developed by the Food and Agriculture Organization with Google partnership to facilitate the visualization, processing, and analysis of land and climate data. Earth Map is a comprehensive and user-friendly tool for land monitoring and climate...
CCI Toolbox (Cate)Site Web
Cate is the Climate Analysis Toolbox of the ESA Climate Change Initiative. It is a cloud-enabled computing environment geared for scientists who need to analyze, process, and visualize ESA’s climate data and other spatiotemporal data.
Bases de données
Sites web/plateformes/portails
Info additionnelle
Genre d'activité | Collecte de données et d’informations |
Focus géographique | Monde |
Collection mise à jour | December 2024 |