Évaluation de la résilience climatique des communautés vulnérables
Outils, études et méthodes pour évaluer la vulnérabilité au changement climatique qui peuvent aider les spécialistes du changement climatique à intégrer la planification de l’adaptation dans différents secteurs. Ces matériels permettent également aux agriculteurs et aux éleveurs de s’autoévaluer et d’exprimer leurs préoccupations et intérêts liés au changement climatique.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Atlas of agricultural livelihoods and climate risk of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2019–2020
- PDF CLIMAFRICA: Climate change predictions in sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts and adaptations
- Website Compendium on methods and tools to evaluate impacts of and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
- PDF Delivery of climate services to last mile users: challenges and opportunities for scaling
- Website Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management
- PDF Migration, agriculture and climate change: Reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing resilience
- PDF Regional workshop on assessing climate change vulnerability in fisheries and aquaculture
- PDF Report of the vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Saint Kitts and Nevis
- PDF Report of vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Grenada
- PDF Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of Climate Resilience of Farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
- Website Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
- PDF Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to improve adaptation to climate change and food security in the Lao ...
- PDF Évaluation finale du projet «Intégration de la résilience climatique dans la production agropastorale pour la sécurité alimentaire dans les zones ...
- PDF The relations between climate change and child labour in agriculture
- PDF The unjust climate
- PDF Toolkit for Increasing Climate Change Resilience
- PDF Vulnerability assessment methodologies: An annotated bibliography for climate change and the fisheries and aquaculture sector
- PDF Vulnerability sourcebook: Risk supplement
Expérience des pays sur les thèmes transversaux du changement climatique
Expériences des pays concernant diverses activités et pratiques transversales.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Fostering Climate Resilient Upland Farming Systems in Mizoram
- PDF Hacia el logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en la región: ¿cómo medimos los avances?
- PDF Impacts of climate change on farming systems and livelihoods in the Near East and North Africa. Regional initiative on small-scale family farming ...
Outils et bases de données pour l’analyse et la modélisation de l’adaptation ...
Large éventail d’outils pour appuyer la prise de décision concernant l’adaptation et la modélisation de pratiques agricoles efficaces.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Website Climate Action Review Tool
- Website Climate Change Adaptation in the Livestock Sector
- PDF Climate maps for the Lao People's Democratic Republic
- PDF Designing climate change adaptation initiatives: A UNDP toolkit for practitioners
- Website Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) tool
- PDF GCF Project Toolkit 2017. Guide to develop a project proposal for the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
- Website InVest: Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Trade-offs
- Website Integrated Modelling Platform for Mixed Animal Crop systems Lite Tool (IMPACT)
- Website Modelling European agriculture with climate change for food security (MACSUR)
- Website Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC)
- Website Strengthening monitoring and evaluation for adaptation in the agriculture sectors
- Website The UKCIP Adaptation Wizard
- PDF UNDP–FAO Climate Action Review Tool
- PDF Using metrics to assess progress towards the Paris Agreement’s Global Goal on Adaptation
Outils d’évaluation des risques liés au climat et aux catastrophes
Grande diversité de matériels pédagogiques destinés à des publics techniques, notamment des boîtes à outils, des concepts, des politiques, des pratiques, des webinaires et des techniques pour s’assurer que les risques sont évalués et gérés en vue de contribuer à l’intégration de la résilience au climat et aux catastrophes dans les politiques, les programmes et les projets de développement clés...Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Website Agricultural Adaptation (AgriAdapt) Tool
- PDF Building resilience into watersheds
- Other Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) tool
- Website Climate Risk Toolbox
- PDF Climate Risk Toolbox – Guiding material for climate risk screening
- Website Climate and disaster risk screening tools
- PDF Climate resilient practices. Typology and guiding material for climate risk screening
- PDF Climate risk assessment at community level in the agriculture sector
- PDF Disaster risk management systems analysis: A guidebook
- PDF FAO’s Damage and Loss Assessment methodology to monitor the Sendai Framework’s Indicator C2 and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
- PDF FAO’s methodology for damage and loss assessment in agriculture
- Website Integrating Climate Change and Natural Disasters in the Economic Analysis of Projects : A Disaster and Climate Risk Stress Test Methodology
- Website Introduction to FAO's damage and loss assessment methodology
- PDF Mainstreaming climate risk management into FAO programming
- PDF National and policy climate and disaster risk screening tool
- PDF Overview of FAO’s damage and loss assessment methodology e-learning course
- Website Screening for climate change and disaster risks in development projects
- PDF The livelihood assessment toolkit. Analysing and responding to the impact of disasters on the livelihoods of people