Renforcement des capacités en matière d’inventaires de gaz à effet de serre
Grande variété de matériels pédagogiques destinés à des publics techniques et visant à renforcer les capacités d’estimation des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans le secteur de l’agriculture, des forêts et des autres utilisations des terres (AFAUT) et de préparation d’un inventaire national des GES.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Website Assessing uncertainties in the national greenhouse gas inventory: a focus on land use
- Website El inventario nacional de gases de efecto invernadero para la agricultura
- PDF Estimating GHG in agriculture: A manual to address data requirements for developing countries
- Website Estimation des émissions de méthane résultant de la fermentation entérique à l’aide de la méthode de niveau 2
- Website Greenhouse gas assessment and mitigation in agriculture: concepts, methods and simulation tools
- Website IGES biennial update report: Database
- Website Joint OCB/GSP Training workshop for reporting soil Carbon Stock Change in national greenhouse gas inventories
- Website Préparation d’un inventaire des gaz à effet de serre selon le Cadre de transparence renforcé
- Website The national greenhouse gas inventory (NGHGI) for land use
- PDF Understanding countries’ status and challenges for the estimation of carbon stock changes from mineral soils in national greenhouse gas ...
- Website Workshop materials on greenhouse gas inventory systems
Renforcement des capacités pour les plans nationaux pour l’adaptation
Ensemble de matériels pédagogiques visant à renforcer les connaissances et les capacités techniques sur les plans nationaux pour l’adaptation.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Integrating climate change adaptation into development planning. A practice-oriented training based on an OECD policy guidance
- Website National Adaptation Plan country-level training
- Website Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans (SCALA)
Intégration de la parité hommes-femmes dans l’agriculture intelligente face a...
Études, analyses de la mise en œuvre et réflexions sur l’intégration de la parité hommes-femmes dans l’agriculture intelligente face au climat.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF A gender-responsive approach to climate-smart agriculture: Evidence and guidance for practitioners
- PDF Advancing Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment through Climate-resilient Agriculture: Experiences and Ways Forward from the Joint Programme on Rural ...
- PDF Gender and youth responsiveness considerations for targeting, testing and scaling suitable CSA practices and technologies-Learnings from the ...
- Video Gender dimensions of adopting climate-smart aquaculture
- Website Gender dynamics in the adoption of climate adaptation practices: A case study in the Cauca Department of Colombia
- PDF Gender in climate-smart agriculture. Module 18 for the gender in agriculture sourcebook
- PDF Gender integration into climate-smart agriculture: Tools for data collection and analysis for policy and research
- PDF Good practices for integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment in climate-smart agriculture programmes
- PDF How to integrate gender issues in climate-smart agriculture projects: Training module
- PDF Lessons Learned on Participatory Action Research to Adoption of Climate Smart Agricultural Options with an Emphasis on Gender and Social Inclusion
- PDF Making agricultural and climate risk insurance gender inclusive: How to improve access to insurance for rural women
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in agrifood value chains
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in aquaculture and fisheries
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in climate-smart agriculture
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in the livestock sector
- Website Understanding gender dimensions of agriculture and climate change in smallholder farming communities
Rapports sur les activités liées au changement climatique dans le secteur for...
Méthodes, lignes directrices et modules de formation sur la manière de réaliser des activités d’information sur le changement climatique dans le secteur forestier.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF From reference levels to results reporting: REDD+ under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
- PDF Integrating forest and landscape restoration into national forest monitoring systems
- Website Measurement, reporting and verification for environmental integrity: Application
- PDF Outil d’évaluation du système de suivi national des forêts
- PDF National forest monitoring systems: Monitoring and measurement, reporting and verification in the context of REDD+ activities
- Website REDD+ MRV training modules
- PDF REDD+& FLEGT Au-delà de la théorie: Travailler ensemble pour renforcer la gouvernance forestière et atténuer les changements climatiques
- Website Technological innovation driving transparent forest monitoring and reporting for climate action
- PDF Voluntary guidelines on national forest monitoring
Incorporation des considérations relatives au changement climatique dans les ...
Ressources pour aider les spécialistes de la formulation de projets d’investissement à intégrer les considérations relatives au changement climatique dans les projets et programmes d’investissement agricole.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Climate Finance Toolkit for Europe and Central Asia
- PDF Climate finance in the agriculture and land use sector - global and regional trends between 2000 and 2018
- PDF Climate finance in the agriculture and land use sector between 2000-2019 - Special update
- PDF Climate resilient practices: Typology and guiding material for climate risk screening
- PDF Climate-related finance in the agriculture and land use sector between 2000 and 2020
- Website Dialogue on financing sustainable agrifood systems for youth: gaps and opportunities
- PDF FAST Partnership, Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation
- Website Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) Partnership
- PDF Incorporating climate change considerations into agricultural investment programmes. A guidance document.
- PDF Info Note 3. The State of Food and Agriculture 2016. Climate change, agriculture and food security the way forward: policies and financing for ...
- PDF Making climate-sensitive investments in agriculture
- Website Terms of Reference of the FAST Partnership - October 2024
- Website The Triple Gap in Finance for Agrifood Systems
Comprendre le cadre de transparence renforcé
Grande variété de documents facilitant la compréhension des exigences du cadre de transparence renforcé de l’Accord de Paris.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Addendum to the Technical handbook for developing country Parties on preparing for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework under the ...
- PDF Can developing countries meet the reporting requirements under the Paris Agreement?: insights from biennial update report (BUR) analysis
- PDF Empowering youth to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement
- Video Establishing sustainable institutional arrangements
- PDF Flexibility and capacity building towards enhanced transparency under the Paris Agreement
- PDF Handbook on institutional arrangements to support MRV/transparency of climate action and support
- PDF Implementing the Paris Agreement: LDC gaps and needs in greenhouse gas inventory reporting
- PDF Meeting the enhanced transparency framework: what next for the LDCs?
- PDF Preparing for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement
- PDF Prochaines étapes pour la mise en oeuvre de l’Accord de Paris et du « paquet climat de Katowice »
- Video The Enhanced Transparency Framework and the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines
- PDF Understanding the Transparency Guidance
- Video Understanding the institutional arrangements for climate transparency reporting