Changement climatique et adaptation à base communautaire
Grande variété de matériels pédagogiques destinés à des publics techniques, y compris des concepts, des webinaires et des techniques pour l’adaptation au changement climatique dans le secteur de l’agriculture et, partant, de la sécurité alimentaire.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Website Participatory rural appraisal (PRA) tool box
- PDF Toolkit for the application of Green Negotiated Territorial Development (GreeNTD)
- Website Climate risk adaptation by smallholder farmers: The roles of trees and agroforestry
- Website Community-Based Climate Climate Solutions for Sustainable Development
- PDF Compendium of community and indigenous strategies for climate change adaptation
- Website Gender and Climate Change and Community-Based Adaptation
- PDF Indigenous peoples, Afro-descendants and climate change in Latin America – Ten scalable experiences of intercultural collaboration
- PDF L’agriculture de montagne est une agriculture familiale
- PDF Mountain farming systems – seeds for the future
- PDF Report of the vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Saint Kitts and Nevis
- PDF Report of vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Grenada
- PDF Petites exploitations, grands effets: intégrer le changement climatique dans les activités aux fins de la résilience et de la sécurité alimentaire
- PDF The adaptation advantage: The economic benefits of preparing small-scale farmers for climate change
Intégration de la parité hommes-femmes dans l’agriculture intelligente face a...
Études, analyses de la mise en œuvre et réflexions sur l’intégration de la parité hommes-femmes dans l’agriculture intelligente face au climat.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Gender integration into climate-smart agriculture: Tools for data collection and analysis for policy and research
- PDF A gender-responsive approach to climate-smart agriculture: Evidence and guidance for practitioners
- PDF Advancing Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment through Climate-resilient Agriculture: Experiences and Ways Forward from the Joint Programme on Rural ...
- PDF Gender and youth responsiveness considerations for targeting, testing and scaling suitable CSA practices and technologies-Learnings from the ...
- Video Gender dimensions of adopting climate-smart aquaculture
- Website Gender dynamics in the adoption of climate adaptation practices: A case study in the Cauca Department of Colombia
- PDF Gender in climate-smart agriculture. Module 18 for the gender in agriculture sourcebook
- PDF Good practices for integrating gender equality and women’s empowerment in climate-smart agriculture programmes
- PDF How to integrate gender issues in climate-smart agriculture projects: Training module
- PDF Lessons Learned on Participatory Action Research to Adoption of Climate Smart Agricultural Options with an Emphasis on Gender and Social Inclusion
- PDF Making agricultural and climate risk insurance gender inclusive: How to improve access to insurance for rural women
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in agrifood value chains
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in aquaculture and fisheries
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in climate-smart agriculture
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in the livestock sector
- Website Understanding gender dimensions of agriculture and climate change in smallholder farming communities
Évaluation de la résilience climatique des communautés vulnérables
Outils, études et méthodes pour évaluer la vulnérabilité au changement climatique qui peuvent aider les spécialistes du changement climatique à intégrer la planification de l’adaptation dans différents secteurs. Ces matériels permettent également aux agriculteurs et aux éleveurs de s’autoévaluer et d’exprimer leurs préoccupations et intérêts liés au changement climatique.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF CLIMAFRICA: Climate change predictions in sub-Saharan Africa: Impacts and adaptations
- PDF Vulnerability sourcebook: Risk supplement
- PDF Atlas of agricultural livelihoods and climate risk of the Lao People's Democratic Republic 2019–2020
- Website Compendium on methods and tools to evaluate impacts of and vulnerability and adaptation to climate change
- PDF Delivery of climate services to last mile users: challenges and opportunities for scaling
- Website Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management
- PDF Migration, agriculture and climate change: Reducing vulnerabilities and enhancing resilience
- PDF Regional workshop on assessing climate change vulnerability in fisheries and aquaculture
- PDF Report of the vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Saint Kitts and Nevis
- PDF Report of vulnerability and capacity assessments in coastal and fishing communities in Grenada
- PDF Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of Climate Resilience of Farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
- Website Self-evaluation and Holistic Assessment of climate Resilience of farmers and Pastoralists (SHARP)
- PDF Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems (SAMIS) to improve adaptation to climate change and food security in the Lao ...
- PDF The relations between climate change and child labour in agriculture
- PDF The unjust climate
- PDF Toolkit for Increasing Climate Change Resilience
- PDF Vulnerability assessment methodologies: An annotated bibliography for climate change and the fisheries and aquaculture sector
- PDF Évaluation finale du projet «Intégration de la résilience climatique dans la production agropastorale pour la sécurité alimentaire dans les zones ...
Food security and climate change
This collection presents various resources to explore and understand the relationship between climate change and food security.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Best practices in addressing the major drivers of food security and nutrition to transform food systems
- PDF Building resilience to climate change
- PDF Climate adaptation & resilience for food & water security
- PDF Climate change and food security: risks and responses
- PDF Food security & climate benefits through nationally appropriate mitigation actions in agriculture
- Website Land use and the Sharm el-Sheikh joint work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security
- Website Promoting water tenure for food security, climate resilience and equity
- PDF Sécurité alimentaire et nutrition à l’heure des changements climatiques
Méthodes de l’agriculture intelligente face au climat et lignes directrices p...
Cartographie des liens, des synergies et des compromis, et lignes directrices pour une mise en œuvre intégrée dans l’agriculture intelligente face au climat.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Website Outil de programmation et d'indicateur aic
- Website The climate-smart agriculture implementer
- Website Climate-Smart Agriculture Implementation Brief : A Summary of Insights and Upscaling Opportunities through the Africa Climate Business Plan
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture and the Sustainable Development Goals: Mapping interlinkages, synergies and trade-offs and guidelines for integrated ...
- Website Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action
- PDF Climate-smart agriculture sourcebook
- PDF How do we actually change the business as usual management of agricultural systems? A methodology for building Climate-Smart Agriculture
- Website L'agriculture intelligente face au climat
- PDF Synergies and trade-offs in climate-smart agriculture: An approach to systematic assessment
Méthodes et lignes directrices sur les contributions déterminées au niveau na...
Méthodes et lignes directrices pour évaluer et intégrer l’adaptation au changement climatique et l’atténuation de ses effets dans le secteur de l’agriculture dans les contributions déterminées au niveau national.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF A common framework for agriculture and land use in the nationally determined contributions
- PDF Assessing policy gaps and opportunities in nationally determined contributions
- PDF Assessing the role of agriculture and land use in nationally determined contributions
- PDF COP28 agriculture, food and climate national action and toolkit
- PDF Linking nationally determined contributions and the sustainable development goals through agriculture
- Website NDC Enhancement: Opportunities in Agriculture
- PDF Priorities related to food value chains and the agri-food sector in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
- PDF Projections of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals: An Introductory Guide for Practitioners
- PDF Technical guidance for the Nationally Determined Contribution Expert Tool (NEXT)
- PDF Technical guide for the Adaptation, Biodiversity and Carbon Mapping Tool
- Website The Climate Action Review (CAR) Tool
- Website The Nationally Determined Contribution Expert Tool (NEXT)
- Website The Nationally Determined Contributions Tracking Tool
- PDF The Nationally Determined Contributions Tracking Tool user manual
Intégration de la parité femmes-hommes dans les plans nationaux pour l’adapta...
Ensemble de matériels visant à renforcer la parité femmes-hommes dans le contexte de l’adaptation aux effets du changement climatique sur l’agriculture et des plans nationaux connexes pour l’adaptation.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Video Addressing gender and climate change adaptation in Viet Nam’s agriculture sectors
- PDF Best practices and available tools for the use of indigenous and traditional knowledge and practices for adaptation, and application of ...
- Website Gender adaptation and disaster risk reduction – Policy brief
- PDF Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate
- Website Gender and adaptation planning in the agricultural sectors: The case of Uganda
- PDF Gender mainstreaming and climate resilience in Zambia's cashew sector: Insights for adaptation planners
- PDF Making the case for gender-responsive adaptation planning in Uruguay: The importance of sex-disaggregated data
- PDF Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within national adaptation plans
- PDF Recherche sur le genre et les changements climatiques dans l’agriculture et la sécurité alimentaire pour le développement rural
Examen de la valeur financière et économique des mesures d’adaptation
Documents contribuant à l’analyse des aspects économiques et financiers nécessaires pour investir dans l’adaptation au changement climatique.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF A review of domestic data sources for climate finance flows in recipient countries
- Website Adaptation Gap Report 2020
- Website Adaptation Gap Report 2021
- Website Adaptation Gap Report 2022
- PDF Economics of adaptation toolkit
- PDF Financing National Adaptation Plan processes: Contributing to the achievement of nationally determined contribution adaptation goals
- PDF Global outlook on climate services in agriculture
- PDF Guidebook for direct access entities engaging in the Green Climate Fund accreditation process
- PDF Investing in natural capital for a sustainable future in the greater Mekong subregion
- PDF Public expenditure analysis for climate change adaptation and mitigation in the agricultural sector – A case study of Uganda
- PDF The economic advantage: Assessing the value of climate change actions in agriculture
- PDF Toolkit for value chain analysis and market development integrating climate resilience and gender responsiveness
Lutte contre la sécheresse et la désertification
Ressources liées à la lutte contre la sécheresse et la désertification.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF A rapid review of effective financing for policy, implementation and partnerships addressing drought risks
- PDF Climate Change and Land
- Website Drought Finance Tracker
- PDF Drought in the Horn of Africa: Progress report on the rapid response and mitigation plan to avert a humanitarian catastrophe
- Website Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management
- PDF Manuel des indicateurs et indices de sécheresse
- PDF Proactive approaches to drought preparedness – Where are we now and where do we go from here?
- Video RECLIMA contributes to minimizing desertification and drought in El Salvador
- Website UNCCD capacity building training fair Georgetown (Guyana) 25–26 Jan 2019 – Presentations
- PDF United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund Project fact sheet: Emergency livelihood support to drought-affected communities in Namibia
Outils et bases de données pour l’analyse et la modélisation de l’adaptation ...
Large éventail d’outils pour appuyer la prise de décision concernant l’adaptation et la modélisation de pratiques agricoles efficaces.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Website Breed distribution model
- PDF Designing climate change adaptation initiatives: A UNDP toolkit for practitioners
- Website Integrated Modelling Platform for Mixed Animal Crop systems Lite Tool (IMPACT)
- Website The UKCIP Adaptation Wizard
- Website ABC-Map Explainer Video
- Website Adaptation Workbook
- Website Climate Action Review Tool
- Website Climate Change Adaptation in the Livestock Sector
- PDF Climate maps for the Lao People's Democratic Republic
- Website Food and Agriculture Policy Decision Analysis (FAPDA) tool
- PDF GCF Project Toolkit 2017. Guide to develop a project proposal for the Green Climate Fund (GCF)
- Website InVest: Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Trade-offs
- Website Modelling European agriculture with climate change for food security (MACSUR)
- Website Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC)
- Website Strengthening monitoring and evaluation for adaptation in the agriculture sectors
- PDF UNDP–FAO Climate Action Review Tool
- PDF Using metrics to assess progress towards the Paris Agreement’s Global Goal on Adaptation