Incidences des catastrophes et des risques naturels sur l’agriculture, la séc...
Ressources visant à combler le manque actuel de connaissances sur la nature et l’ampleur des incidences des catastrophes déclenchées par des risques naturels sur l’agriculture, les ressources naturelles, la sécurité alimentaire et la nutrition.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Website Agricultural Risk Management in the Face of Climate Change
- Video Analyse de la résilience climatique et du risque de catastrophe pour les chaînes de valeur sensibles au genre
- PDF Comprehensive Analysis of the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management System for Agriculture in Serbia
- PDF Hunger hotspots: FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity – March to July 2021 outlook
- PDF Managing climate risks through social protection: Reducing rural poverty and building resilient agricultural livelihoods
- PDF Resilient livelihoods: Disaster risk reduction for food and nutrition security
- PDF The impact of natural hazards and disasters on agriculture, food security and nutrition
Phénomène El Niño et catastrophes et impacts connexes
Recueil de documents sur l’alerte rapide, les interventions précoces ainsi que les bonnes pratiques de gestion des situations d’urgence.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras: -
Lutte contre la sécheresse et la désertification
Ressources liées à la lutte contre la sécheresse et la désertification.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF A rapid review of effective financing for policy, implementation and partnerships addressing drought risks
- PDF Climate Change and Land
- Website Drought Finance Tracker
- PDF Drought in the Horn of Africa: Progress report on the rapid response and mitigation plan to avert a humanitarian catastrophe
- Website Drought portal - Knowledge resources on integrated drought management
- PDF Manuel des indicateurs et indices de sécheresse
- PDF Proactive approaches to drought preparedness – Where are we now and where do we go from here?
- Video RECLIMA contributes to minimizing desertification and drought in El Salvador
- Website UNCCD capacity building training fair Georgetown (Guyana) 25–26 Jan 2019 – Presentations
- PDF United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund Project fact sheet: Emergency livelihood support to drought-affected communities in Namibia
Enseignements tirés de l’expérience en matière de réduction et de gestion des...
Série d’études et d’analyses présentant les travaux et les stratégies portant sur la gestion des risques de catastrophes pour le secteur agricole et la sécurité alimentaire et nutritionnelle.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Building resilience to climate change-related and other disasters in Ethiopia
- PDF Characterization of agricultural drought-prone areas on a global scale
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Albania
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Montenegro
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction and management system for agriculture in Serbia
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction and management system for the agriculture sector – North Macedonia
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Armenia
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Azerbaijan
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Belarus
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Georgia
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Kazakhstan
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Kyrgyzstan
- PDF Comprehensive analysis of the disaster risk reduction system for the agricultural sector in Tajikistan
- Website Controlling floods and droughts through underground storage: from concept to pilot implementation in the Ganges River Basin.
- PDF Disaster Risk Reduction and agriculture sector interrelated planning processes: Lessons learnt
- PDF Disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation in the Pacific. An institutional and policy analysis
- PDF Disaster risk reduction: Strengthening livelihood resilience
- PDF Enhancing Farmers Information System for Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) in Agriculture and Fisheries
- PDF Estrategia Regional para la Gestión del Riesgo de Desastres en el Sector Agrícola y la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional en América Latina y el ...
- PDF Metodología para el monitoreo y evaluación de buenas prácticas en agricultura para la adaptación al cambio climático y la gestión integral del ...
- PDF Plan of Action for Disaster Risk Reduction in Agriculture 2014–2018, Cambodia
- PDF Supporting water and soil rehabilitation for improved climate resilience in the Islamic Republic of Iran. To enhance the resilience of rural ...
Damage and loss
This collection introduces the concept of "loss and damage" caused by climate change-related effects. It is focused on the agriculture sector and the environmental aspects.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Loss and damage and agrifood systems
- PDF Climate Finance for Addressing Loss and Damage
- PDF Damage and losses due to weather and climate-related disasters in agricultural sectors
- Website Data and Digital Maturity for Disaster Risk Reduction: Informing the Next Generation of Disaster Loss and Damage Databases
- PDF FAO’s methodology for damage and loss assessment in agriculture
- Website Introduction to loss and damage
- Website Measuring Disaster Crop Production Losses Using Survey Microdata Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
- PDF Notes on an information system on damage and losses from disasters in agriculture, fisheries and forestry
- PDF The impact of disasters and crises on agriculture and food security: 2021
- Website Using FAO methodology to compute Damage and Loss
Concept de réduction des risques de catastrophe
Grande variété de ressources pour comprendre le concept de réduction des risques de catastrophe et les progrès réalisés.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras: -
Outils d’évaluation des risques liés au climat et aux catastrophes
Grande diversité de matériels pédagogiques destinés à des publics techniques, notamment des boîtes à outils, des concepts, des politiques, des pratiques, des webinaires et des techniques pour s’assurer que les risques sont évalués et gérés en vue de contribuer à l’intégration de la résilience au climat et aux catastrophes dans les politiques, les programmes et les projets de développement clés...Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Website Agricultural Adaptation (AgriAdapt) Tool
- PDF Building resilience into watersheds
- Other Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) tool
- Website Climate Risk Toolbox
- PDF Climate Risk Toolbox – Guiding material for climate risk screening
- Website Climate and disaster risk screening tools
- PDF Climate resilient practices. Typology and guiding material for climate risk screening
- PDF Climate risk assessment at community level in the agriculture sector
- PDF Disaster risk management systems analysis: A guidebook
- PDF FAO’s Damage and Loss Assessment methodology to monitor the Sendai Framework’s Indicator C2 and the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF)
- PDF FAO’s methodology for damage and loss assessment in agriculture
- Website Integrating Climate Change and Natural Disasters in the Economic Analysis of Projects : A Disaster and Climate Risk Stress Test Methodology
- Website Introduction to FAO's damage and loss assessment methodology
- PDF Mainstreaming climate risk management into FAO programming
- PDF National and policy climate and disaster risk screening tool
- PDF Overview of FAO’s damage and loss assessment methodology e-learning course
- Website Screening for climate change and disaster risks in development projects
- PDF The livelihood assessment toolkit. Analysing and responding to the impact of disasters on the livelihoods of people
Système d’alerte précoce pour améliorer la surveillance des risques naturels
Lignes directrices et outils sur les systèmes d’alerte rapide pour la surveillance des risques naturels. L’alerte précoce et les mesures anticipées permettent d’éviter les pertes agricoles et de réduire le risque d’insécurité alimentaire.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras: