Systèmes de suivi et d’évaluation pour l’agriculture intelligente face au climat
Cette collection fournit des informations sur les cadres de suivi et d’évaluation qui doivent être pris en compte dans le contexte de l’agriculture intelligente face au climat.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras: -
Le rôle des forêts dans la lutte contre le changement climatique
Grande diversité de documents sur la façon dont les forêts peuvent jouer un rôle dans la lutte contre le changement climatique.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF The economics of climate change mitigation options in the forest sector
- PDF Building climate-resilient dryland forests and agrosilvopastoral production systems
- PDF Capacity Building on National Forest Information Analysis and Reporting for Enhancing Credibility of National Climate Change and REDD+ Implementation
- PDF Community guidelines for accessing forestry voluntary carbon markets
- PDF Forest and farm producers – climate-change sentinels
- PDF Forests and climate change
- PDF Forests and climate change
- PDF Forests and climate change
- PDF Forests, rangelands and climate change in southern Africa
- PDF Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands
- PDF The key role of forest and landscape restoration in climate action
- PDF The national forest monitoring system as part of the National Strategy on Climate Change and Vegetation Resources in Chile: Applying ...
- PDF Transformational change to reduce deforestation and climate change impacts
- Website UN-REDD Programme
Examen des différents aspects, initiatives et politiques concernant la mise e...
Aperçu des nouvelles propositions relatives aux contributions déterminées au niveau national dans différents domaines.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- Website Guide to including nature in nationally determined contribution
- PDF Analysis and systematization on intended nationally determined contributions (INDC) in Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries
- Website Biodiversity and agrifood systems in nationally determined contributions
- PDF Embedding Agroecology Elements in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
- PDF Energy in and from agriculture in the African Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). A review
- PDF Implementing the Paris Agreement: LDC gaps and needs in greenhouse gas inventory reporting
- PDF Linking REDD+, the Paris Agreement, national determined contributions and suitable development goals: realizing the potential of forests for ndc ...
- PDF Localising NDCs with inspiration from the 2030 Agenda
- PDF Meeting the climate change mitigation commitments of least developed countries: The role of the agricultural sectors and the need for urgent action
- Website Nature-based Solutions Finance for NDCs
- PDF Panorama de las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional en America Latina y el Caribe, 2019: avances para el cumplimento del Acuerdo de Paris
- PDF Policy analysis of nationally determined contributions in Europe and Central Asia
- PDF The State of Nationally Determined Contributions: 2022
- PDF Working with Nature-based Solutions to address climate change
Énergie, agriculture et changement climatique
Études et matériel pédagogique pour aborder la question de l’atténuation du changement climatique en utilisant des solutions de gestion de l’énergie dans l’agriculture.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF "Energy-Smart" food for people and climate
- PDF A compilation of tools and methodologies to assess the sustainability of modern bioenergy
- Website Changements climatiques et environnement
- Website Décryptage des principaux résultats de la CdP25 (Chili/Madrid). Et poursuite du processus de la CCNUCC en 2020 vers la CdP26 (Glasgow, novembre 2021)
- PDF Energy in and from agriculture in the African Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). A review
- PDF Energy, agriculture and climate change: Towards energy-smart agriculture
- Website Etudes en prospectives sur le changement climatique
- PDF Global observatory on non-state climate action (2020). Global synthesis report on climate action by sector
- PDF Renewable energy for agri-food systems: Towards the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement
- PDF Renewable energy for agrifood chains – Investing in solar energy in Rwanda
- PDF Solar-powered irrigation systems: A clean-energy, low-emission option for irrigation development and modernization
- PDF The charcoal transition
- PDF Walking the nexus talk: Assessing the water–energy–food nexus in the context of the sustainable energy for all initiative
Renforcement des capacités d’adaptation au changement climatique
Cours en ligne, webinaires et rapports pour renforcer les capacités d’adaptation au changement climatique.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Adapting to climate variability and change
- Website Agroforesterie et agriculture de conservation
- PDF Intégrer l’adaptation au changement climatique dans les champs-écoles des producteurs
- PDF Report of the Regional Training Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation Planning
- Website Scaling up of adaptation in the agricultural sectors (SAAS) webinar series
- PDF Soluciones agroambientales para la agenda de desarrollo en países del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana (SICA). Experiencias de los países ...
- PDF State of the global climate 2020
- PDF The 5Q approach
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2016 : Climate change, agriculture and food security
- PDF Youth in motion for climate action! A compilation of youth initiatives in agriculture to address the impacts of climate change
Comprendre le cadre de transparence renforcé
Grande variété de documents facilitant la compréhension des exigences du cadre de transparence renforcé de l’Accord de Paris.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Prochaines étapes pour la mise en oeuvre de l’Accord de Paris et du « paquet climat de Katowice »
- PDF Addendum to the Technical handbook for developing country Parties on preparing for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework under the ...
- PDF Can developing countries meet the reporting requirements under the Paris Agreement?: insights from biennial update report (BUR) analysis
- PDF Empowering youth to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement
- Video Establishing sustainable institutional arrangements
- PDF Flexibility and capacity building towards enhanced transparency under the Paris Agreement
- PDF Handbook on institutional arrangements to support MRV/transparency of climate action and support
- PDF Implementing the Paris Agreement: LDC gaps and needs in greenhouse gas inventory reporting
- PDF Meeting the enhanced transparency framework: what next for the LDCs?
- PDF Preparing for implementation of the enhanced transparency framework under the Paris Agreement
- Video The Enhanced Transparency Framework and the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines
- PDF Understanding the Transparency Guidance
- Video Understanding the institutional arrangements for climate transparency reporting
Cadres pour les évaluations de la vulnérabilité au changement climatique
Ces ressources fournissent une compréhension de base de la vulnérabilité ainsi que des cadres d’évaluation de la vulnérabilité au changement climatique dans différents secteurs.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras: -
Thèmes transversaux liés à l’alimentation et à l’agriculture
Grande diversité de matériels pédagogiques et d’études destinés à des publics techniques et comprenant des concepts, des pratiques et des techniques pour la sécurité alimentaire, les systèmes et la production dans le contexte du changement climatique dans l’alimentation et l’agriculture.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF "Energy-Smart" food for people and climate
- PDF Actions to transform food systems under climate change
- PDF Africa: regional overview of food security and nutrition
- Website Agriculture, food security and climate change: Outlook for knowledge, tools and action
- PDF Assessment of agricultural plastics and their sustainability. A call for action
- PDF Cadre d’action en faveur de la biodiversité pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture
- PDF Climate change and food security and nutrition Latin America and the Caribbean (policy guidelines)
- PDF Climate change: Unpacking the burden on food safety
- PDF Enhancing knowledge on climate change mitigation and adaptation for food security and nutrition
- PDF Ensuring access to safe and nutritious food for all through transformation of food systems
- PDF Food systems transformation: Developing sustainable, eco-friendly, climate-smart food production along value chains in Africa
- PDF Info Note 2. The State of Food and Agriculture 2016; Climate change, agriculture and food security improved farming practices reduce impacts of ...
- PDF Les légumineuses et les changements climatiques. Édition révisée
- PDF Measuring progress towards sustainable agriculture
- PDF Panorama of food and nutrition security in Latin America and the Caribbean
- PDF Priorities related to food value chains and the agri-food sector in the nationally determined contributions (NDCs)
- PDF Report on the high-level regional dialogue on the mainstreaming of biodiversity in the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors
- PDF The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017: Building Resilience for Peace and Food Security
- PDF The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World – 2018
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture (SOFA) 2016 : Climate change, agriculture and food security
- PDF The State of Food and Agriculture 2016 Info Note 1: Climate change, agriculture and food security climate change: what does it mean for ...
- PDF The future of food and agriculture – Trends and challenges
- PDF The state of food and agriculture: Adaptation
Intégration de l’agriculture dans les plans nationaux pour l’adaptation
Grande diversité d’études, d’outils et d’études de cas pour expliquer et faciliter l’intégration de l’agriculture dans les plans nationaux pour l’adaptation.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Aborder l'agriculture, les forêts et la pêche dans les plans nationaux d'adaption
- PDF Addressing sustainable crop production priorities in National Adaptation Plans
- PDF Assessing agroforestry practices and soil and water conservation for climate change adaptation in Kenya: A cost-benefit analysis
- PDF Integrating agriculture in National Adaptation Plans: Safeguarding livelihoods and promoting resilience through NAPs
- Website Intégrer l'adaptation au changement climatique dans la stratégie agricole nationale pour la petite agriculture - Le cas de la région de ...
- PDF Promoting synergies in addressing biodiversity and climate change adaptation issues: linking National Adaptation Plans and national biodiversity ...
- PDF Examen des principales politiques et mesures incitatives nationales et régionales à l’appui de l’adaptation et de la capacité d’adaptation du ...
- PDF Tool for integrating ecosystems into climate change adaptation planning: Linking biodiversity and ecosystems into the National Adaptation Planning ...
La parité femmes-hommes dans l’adaptation au changement climatique
Grande diversité de matériels pédagogiques, de lignes directrices, de méthodes et d’études sur la parité femmes-hommes dans le contexte de l’adaptation au changement climatique.Les ressources les plus pertinentes de cette collection sont surlignées en gras:- PDF Building Capacities to Develop Gender-Sensitive Climate Change Adaptation Proposals for Funding Consideration in Caribbean Small Island Developing ...
- PDF Climate resilience and disaster risk analysis for gender-sensitive value chains
- PDF Course 1: Addressing gender equality in climate change adaptation and mitigation in agriculture
- PDF Farmers in a changing climate Does gender matter?
- Video Flexible Multi-Partner Mechanism
- Website Gender and Inclusion Toolbox: Participatory Research in Climate Change and Agriculture
- PDF Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors: Guide for trainers
- PDF Gender, agrifood value chains and climate-resilient agriculture in Small Island Developing States
- Video Analyse de la résilience climatique et du risque de catastrophe pour les chaînes de valeur sensibles au genre
- PDF Leaving no one behind. The African regional outlook on gender and agrifood systems
- PDF Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within National Adaptation Plans
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in agrifood value chains
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in aquaculture and fisheries
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in climate-smart agriculture
- PDF Strengthening gender-responsive climate policies and actions in the livestock sector
- PDF Tackling climate change through rural women’s empowerment
- PDF Training guide: Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors