African Group of Negotiators Expert Support policy briefs related to KJWA
Sustainable Land and Water Management under a changing climate to ensure Food Security in AfricaPDF
Land and water are fundamental land-based resources for livelihoods and food security in Africa. Sixty percent (60%) of people in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) derive their livelihoods from land and its resources. The degradation and unsustainable use of natural resources, particularly land and water,...
Trends and the Future of Livestock Production Systems under a changing Climate in AfricaPDF
Livestock production plays a crucial role in providing employment, ensuring food supply, and as a source of foreign exchange earning in many countries in Africa. It contributes 20 to 50% of the agricultural GDP across countries, with a continental average of 26%.
Improved Nutrient use and Manure Management in AfricaPDF
Achieving food security is one of the main agenda of African governments given that about 230 million people are currently facing severe food shortages. Agriculture, the main source of livelihood in Africa, is limited primarily by declining soil organic carbon and nutrient stocks. Farmers have...
Land Degradation and Climate Change in AfricaPDF
Land degradation is rampant in Africa, accounting for 46% of the total land area. Land degradation at the current pace is projected to render more than half of the cultivated land in Africa unusable by 2050. Land degradation and climate change mutually reinforce each other, creating serious...
Desertification and Climate Change in AfricaPDF
Desertification results from complex human-environment interactions coupled with biophysical, social, economic, and political systems. Desertification has increased in African drylands in recent decades, led by land-use change, climatic variability, and poor land management practices. Policy...
Building climate resilence in the agriculture sector of KenyaPDF
The paper analyses the threats to the food production systems that affecting millions of Kenyans who depend on agriculture in terms of livelihoods, food security, economic growth, employment creation, off-farm employment, and foreign exchange earnings. The sector is highly sensitive to climate...
Closing the Gender Gap in African Agriculture in the Face of Climate ChangePDF
Gender is not about ‘women and girls’ but about roles, responsibilities, access, and control over resources and relations between men and women, boys and girls which are socially ascribed. It is also estimated that closing the gender gap would raise total agricultural output in developing...
Enhancing Food Security in a Changing Climate in AfricaPDF
Climate and socio-ecological change scenarios are invaluable tools in developing appropriate response options for ensuring food security and human wellbeing in the future: an evidence-based approach. Climate change necessitates research on crops, livestock, and systems that are resilient to...
Policy options for building resilience of crop production under climate changePDF
The paper analyses the crop production in the Kenya context under climate change. It points out the opportunity for national policies on agriculture and climate change to support a more robust and resilient future for Kenya’s food production.
Policy analyses/briefs
Additional Info
Kind of Activities | Policymaking and analysis |
Geographic Focus | Global |
Collection Updated | December 2024 |