Country experiences on climate change adaptation
Bridging the gap: How to get climate services to farmersPDF
This leaflet presents the methodologies used by the project “Strengthening Agro-climatic Monitoring and Information Systems to improve adaptation to climate change and food security in Lao PDR” to get climate services to farmers. In collaboration with the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology...
Social protection and resilience: Supporting livelihoods in protracted crises and in fragile and humanitarian contextsPDF
The paper discusses the role that social protection can play in saving livelihoods while also enhancing the capacity of households to respond, cope and withstand threats and crises. The paper builds on FAO Social Protection Framework (FAO, 2017) and focuses on the role of social protection...
État des lieux des politiques, études et projets relatifs à l’adaptation des secteurs agricoles aux changements climatiques en HaïtiPDF
Réalisée dans le cadre du projet SAGA, la présente étude constitue un outil de renforcement des capacités institutionnelles et des communautés qui permettra au Gouvernement d’Haïti de se baser sur les expériences antérieures lors de la planification de l’adaptation des secteurs agricoles, de la...
Ecuador’s banana sector under climate changePDF
At the request of the Ecuadorian Government, FAO undertook a technical assistance to generate an integrated assessment climate impacts on the banana value chain in support of the Ecuador initiatives towards sustainable and climate-adapted strategies. Both biophysical and socio-economic analyses...
Bilan et analyse des interventions et expérimentations agroforestières au regard de leur potentiel à contribuer à l'adaption aux changements ...PDF
La sécurité alimentaire au Sénégal est confrontée à des défis complexes, exacerbés par la croissance démographique et les changements climatiques. Dans ce contexte, l'agroforesterie se présente comme une solution prometteuse pour renforcer la résilience des systèmes agricoles. Ce rapport explore...
Climate change impacts on crops in Sri LankaPDF
This report presents insights about future climate change impacts on six crops (rice, maize, green gram, big onion, chilli and potato), selected according to a wide range of criteria: contribution to gross domestic product, relevance to food security and role as staple food, importance for...
Report of the Working Group on Climate Change of the FAO Intergovernmental Group on TeaPDF
This document highlights disturbing trends of declining yields and productivity due to climate-driven stresses (biotic and abiotic) in recent years in tea growing countries. It will be useful for developing mitigation and adaptation strategies. It focuses tea growing areas on India, China, Sri...
Kenya's Tea Sector under Climate ChangePDF
Following the Intergovernmental Group Meeting on Tea in New Delhi in 2010, FAO was requested by the Government of Kenya to assist with a climate change impact assessment of tea in Kenya and to help develop a new strategy to confront its effects. This report is the outcome of a two-year project in...
Adapting to climate change – what does this mean for the pineapple and avocado industry?PDF
This was the seventh in a series of technical webinars being organized by FAO’s Responsible Fruits project in response to the priorities and interests of participants from the private sector. The webinars will provide an opportunity for peer learning on precompetitive issues, and the...
Methodologies and guidelines
Studies and reports
Additional Info
Kind of Activities | Understanding basic concepts |
Geographic Focus | Global |
Collection Updated | November 2024 |