The transparency in the agriculture and land use sectors webinar series
Addressing transparency in the agriculture and land use sectorsPDF
This short report summarizes the webinar activities oriented to look at the key elements of the ETF, with a focus on the GHG inventory. It highlighted the main changes that developing countries would have to address to meet ETF requirements.
The role of institutional arrangements in the Enhanced Transparency FrameworkPDF
This short report summaries the activities of the webinar "The role of institutional arrangements (IA) in the Enhanced Transparency Framework" with a particular focus on the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector.
Quality assurance (QA)/ Quality control (QC) within the greenhouse gas inventory cycle and the need for an improvement planPDF
This short report summarizes the webinar activities focused on the QA capacity building activity on the national GHG inventory management system and GHG inventories. The QA activity is organized by the UNFCCC secretariat, with the support of FAO, upon request from developing countries
Addressing transparency in agriculture and land use sectorsPDF
This presentation shows the main elements introduced in the webinar: "Addressing transparency in agriculture and land use sectors" oriented to look at foundation of the ETF, with a focus on the GHG inventory.
The role of institutional arrangements in the Enhanced Transparency FrameworkPDF
This presentation shows the main elements introduced in the webinar: "The role of institutional arrangements (IA) in the Enhanced Transparency Framework" focused on the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector.
Are you ready to make your GHGI transparent?PDF
This presentation shows the main elements introduced in the webinar: "Are you ready to make your GHGI transparent?" focuses on the section II of the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) which deal with national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGI).
Quality Assurance (QA) of the National GHG Inventory Management System and National GHG InventoriesPDF
This presentation shows the main elements introduced in the webinar: “Quality Assurance (QA) of the National GHG Inventory Management System and National GHG Inventories” that looks at the QA activity on the national GHG inventory management system and GHG inventories. The QA activity is...
Reporting on adaptation in the AFOLU sector under the Paris Agreement: Climate vulnerability assessmentPDF
This presentation shows the main elements introduced in the webinar: “Reporting on adaptation in the AFOLU sector: Local climate vulnerability assessments". The event aims to discuss adaptation reporting through the Biennial Transparency Reports under the Enhanced Transparency Framework of the...
Reporting on adaptation in the agriculture and land use sectors under the Paris Agreement: Adaptation metrics and the potential use of SDG ...PDF
This presentation shows the main elements introduced in the webinar: “Reporting on adaptation in the AFOLU sector: "Métricas de adaptación y el uso potencial de los indicadores de los ODS". The event aims to discuss adaptation reporting under the Biennial Transparency Reports with the focus on...
Reporting on adaptation in the agriculture and land use sectors under the Paris Agreement: Loss and damage assessmentPDF
This presentation shows the main elements introduced in the webinar: "Reporting on adaptation in the agriculture and land use sectors under the Paris Agreement: Loss and damage assessment". The webinar provided an introduction to adaptation reporting through the biennial transparency report...
Tracking progress made in implementing and achieving Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under Article 4 of the Paris AgreementWebsite
Under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement, Parties are required to track the progress they make toward implementing and achieving their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) using both quantitative and qualitative information. The information needed to track this progress is further defined in...
Addressing transparency in agriculture and land use sectorsWebsite
This webinar is the first of a series that aims at increasing awareness and understanding of the Paris Agreement's Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) and its modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs). The series will also highlight relevant tools to support countries' efforts to address...
The role of institutional arrangements in the Enhanced Transparency FrameworkWebsite
This webinar examined the role of Institutional Arrangements (IA) in the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) - with a particular focus on the agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sectors. Participants learned more about the IA, the requirements for IAs under the ETF, and how to...
Are you ready to make your GHG inventory transparent? Website
The webinar introduces section II of the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) which deal with national greenhouse gas inventories (NGHGI). It looks at the differences between the current Monitoring Reporting and Verification (MRV) system and the new Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF).
Quality Assurance (QA) of the National GHG Inventory Management System and National GHG InventoriesWebsite
This webinar focuses on the “Quality Assurance (QA) of the National GHG Inventory Management System and National GHG Inventories”. It especially looks at the QA activity on the national GHG inventory management system and GHG inventories. The QA activity is organized by the UNFCCC Secretariat...
Reporting on adaptation: Local climate vulnerability assessmentsWebsite
The event aims to introduce adaptation reporting for the Biennial Transparency Reports under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement. It focuses on the ETF's Element A (National circumstances, institutional arrangements and legal framework), Element B (Impacts, risks and...
Reporting on adaptation: Adaptation metrics and the potential use of SDG indicatorsWebsite
The webinar aims to introduce adaptation reporting for the Biennial Transparency Reports under the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) of the Paris Agreement. It focuses on the ETF's: Element D (Adaptation strategies, policies, plans, goals and actions to integrate adaptation into national...
Reporting on adaptation: Loss and damage assessmentWebsite
This online learning event is part of the FAO’s ETF webinar series addressing transparency in the agriculture and land use sectors. The event is organized by the FAO Transparency Team in collaboration with the Global Support Programme (GSP), Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT), and...
FAO and the Enhanced Transparency Framework - webinar seriesWebsite
This webpage offers an updated list of webinars and events proposed by the FAO Transparency team to understand, reflect and learn about the different aspects of the transparency mechanisms and key elements, the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines (MPGs) and in general the Enhanced Transparency...
Meeting reports
Additional Info
Kind of Activities | Understanding basic concepts |
Geographic Focus | Global |
Collection Updated | February 2025 |