Climate Action for Agriculture: Strengthening the role of scientific foresight and climate-smart agriculture in addressing NDC priorities


From 10–12 October 2017, government and leading private sector representatives attended the regional workshop Climate Action for Agriculture in Asia: Strengthening the role of scientific foresight and CSA in addressing NDC priorities in Bangkok to strengthen the capacities of countries in Asia to achieve their NDC targets for the agriculture and land-use sectors, through improved use of scientific information in sector planning and enhanced public and private sector engagement in accelerating cl imate-smart agricultural (CSA) investments. Based on priority commodities and CSA actions identified in the pre-2020 Roadmaps, participants worked in facilitated country groups to identify needs and opportunities for public-private sector coordination to accelerate investment and finance for CSA, aligned with NDC priorities and targets. The top priority actions needed to address challenges were identified, as were timelines and key entities that are most appropriate to lead and support the implementation of priority actions. In the final session country groups presented their pre-2020 roadmaps and private sector engagement strategies and identified concrete next steps that can be taken to turn their roadmaps into reality.

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Organización Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Tipo de recurso Documents de réunion
Año de lanzamiento 2017

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