Improved Nutrient use and Manure Management in Africa


Achieving food security is one of the main agenda of African governments given that about 230 million people are currently facing severe food shortages. Agriculture, the main source of livelihood in Africa, is limited primarily by declining soil organic carbon and nutrient stocks. Farmers have continuously cultivated their fields with little or no fertilizer inputs resulting in soil nutrient mining and negative nutrient balances. Soil nutrient depletion leads to low nutrient use efficiency and land degradation. Global warming is currently increasing at 0.2°C, on average, per decade due to past and ongoing anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (IPCC, 2018). However, solutions for enhanced food security in Africa will, to large extent, come from improved management of agricultural soils. Healthy soils not only sustain agricultural productivity and nutritional quality for human health but are potentially large carbon sinks. The importance of managing soils for delivering ecosystem services for human wellbeing and nutrients use management is presented in this paper.

Información adicional

Organización African Group of Negotiator Expert Support (AGNES)
Tipo de recurso Análisis de políticas y notas de orientación
Año de lanzamiento 2020

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