Policy strategies and challenges for climate change mitigation in the Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use (AFOLU) sector

URL: https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/47b3493b-en.pdf?expires=1617689305&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=145F53933E149152DB5D9A322DFAC1C5

The Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector accounts for 23 percent of net global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and without strong policy action to lower these emissions, this share is likely to grow. Governments in a number of countries are taking steps to lower net AFOLU emissions, as part of their economy-wide GHG mitigation efforts, yet progress has been gradual and piecemeal and is occurring against a backdrop of increasing urgency for action on climate change. This study aims to help frame broad levels of ambition for the AFOLU sector.

Información adicional

Organización Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
Tipo de recurso Estudios e informes
Año de lanzamiento 2021

Previsualización de Recurso
