Peatlands and climate change
Peatlands and climate planningPDF
Peatlands contain huge carbon stocks yet they cover only 3 percent of the world’s land area. Improved peatland management provides climate change mitigation and adaptation opportunities. Peatland conservation and restoration also secures ecosystem services that support adaptive capacity and...
Wetlands in climate commitmentsPDF
A global analysis of the wetland ecosystems in the context of climate commitments and actions. An comprehensive and detailed presentation with preliminary analysis and statistics.
Towards climate-responsible peatlands managementPDF
Responsible management practices can help to maintain peatland ecosystem services while sustaining and improving local livelihoods. This publication gives guidance on responsible peatland management practices, supporting the reduction of GHG emissions from managed peatlands. It is an overview of...
Las turberasy el cambio climáticoPDF
La infografía describe el vínculo entre las turberas y el cambio climático.
Peatlands data and information - what we know and what we need?Sitio web
This presentation was given by Martial Bernoux, FAO, at the side event “Wetlands and Peat – Understanding the Potential” that took place at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP22) in Marrakech, 12 November 2016. It describes what countries can do to improve peatland management, and introduces...
Peatlands as part of landscapes and national climate actionVideo
This presentation by Julian Fox, FAO, was prepared for the side event ”Global Peatlands Initiative: Advancing global efforts to protect peat from degradation, loss & fire” held on 9 May 2017, at SBSTA in Bonn.
Análisis de políticas y notas de orientación
Guías y metodologias
Información Adicional
Tipo de actividad | Comprensión de conceptos básicos |
Enfoque geográfico | Global |
Colección actualizada | January 2025 |